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Jacob & Fredericka (Probst) Erkman |
Born: May 5, 1835 Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany
Died: August 13, 1908 at home near Enfield, White Co., IL about 2:00 AM of cerebral hemorhage
Buried: August 14, 1908 Newman Cemetery, White Co., IL
1839 came to the U.S. with his parents at age 4. The family settled first in Holmes Co., Ohio.
Between 1846 and 1850 the family moved to White Co., IL.
Jacob moved to Posey Co., IN between 1850 and 1857.
1869 moved his family back to White Co., IL.
Married: 1) Eva Magdalena Bechtold ca. 1856 may be in Ohio or in Indiana
2) Fredericka (Probst) Dietz April 27, 1876 Posey Co., IN
Occupation: farmer
1840 - not found on census
1850 White Co., IL - age 15 living with his parents, listed as a farmer
1856, June 16, Posey Co., IN - Jacob became a naturalized citizen:
State of Indiana, County of Posey SS - Be It Known That on the 16 day of June AD 1856 personally appeared in the Posey Circuit Court, before the Clerk thereof, Jacob Erkmann an alien, and reports himself for Naturalization, and being duly sworn on oath declares that he is a native of Hesse Darmstadt about 21 years, and owes allegiance to Ludwig, Duke of Hesse Darmstadt that he emigrated thence, embarked at Haver [Le Havre?] and arrived at New York in the United States on the 1st day of May AD, 1839 and that it is bona fide his intention to reside in and become a citizen of the United States and to renounce forever All Allegiance and fidelity to every Foreign Prince, Potentate, State or Sovreignty [sic] whatever, and particularly to Ludwig Duke of Hesse Darmstadt. Sworn and subscribed the 16 day of June 1856. In Testimony Whereof, I T---- Nelson Clerk of the Posey Circuit Court, hereunto set my name, and affix the Seal of said Court this 16 day of June 1856. T. Nelson, Clerk.1858, February 2, Posey Co., IN - Jacob Erkman bought land:
By This Deed, Abner Crunk and Ann Crunk his wife of Posey County in the State of Indiana Convey and Warrant to Jacob Erkmann of Posey County in the State of Indiana for the sum of Eleven Hundred and Seventy Five Dollars the following Real Estate, in Posey County in the State of Indiana to wit: The East Half of the northwest quarter of Section number thirty-two (32) in township Six (6) South of range twelve west (12) in the Vincennes District. In Witness where of the said Abner Crunk and Ann Crunk his wife hath hereunto set there [sic] hands and seals this second day of February AD 1858 Abner Crunk, Ann her X mark Crunk
The State of Indiana, Posey County Sct. Before me C.H. Carson a Justice of the Peace in and for said County came Abner Crunk and Ann Crunk his wife and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Deed, Witness my hand and seal 4th day of February, 1858. C.H. Carson, Justice {Seal} Recorded Feby. 12th 1858, John D.1860 Posey Co., IN, Black Twp. - age 25 with his wife Eva and two children. Also a child Elizabeth Bechtold age 8 is living with them, probably Eva's niece. Real estate valued at $800 and personal estate valued at $400.
1860, February 17, Posey Co., IN - Deed from Henry & Hannah Stattman to Jacob Erkman & Lawrence Trow for $50. Part of the West half of the North East quarter section of Section No. Twenty-six (26) in Township No. Six (6) South of Range No. thirteen (13) West, 1/4 of an acre.
1860, May 18 Posey Co., IN - Deed:
By this deed Lorenz Trow of Posey County in the State of Indiana convey and warrant to Jacob Erkman of Posey county in the State of Indiana for the sum of Four Hundred and Thirty Seven 50/100 Dollars the following Real Estate, in Posey County in the State of Indiana to wit: One undivided half of the undivided half of the North part of the West half of the North East quarter of Section Number twenty-six (26) in Township No. Six (6) South of range No. thirteen (13) West containing Sixty-three & one half acres of land more or less, said undivided half above conveyed to be taken off of the East Side of said tract above described, Also all his interest in the East half of the North East quarter Section number twenty-six (26) in Township Number Six (6) South of range thirteen (13) West said tract containing two acres more or less. The above described land being the same land said Erkman & Trow purchased of Geo. W. Hall Feb. 10th 1860 (The intention of this Deed is to Convey said Trow's undivided half of said land to said Erkman) In witness whereof the said Lorenze Trow has hereunto set his hand and Seal this 18th day of May AD 1860. Erasures made before signing. J.D. Huich(?)
Lorenze Trow {Seal}
The State of Indiana, Posey County Sct: Before me John D. Huich(?) Recorder in and for said County came Lorenze Trow and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing deed. Witness my hand and official seal this 18th day of May 1860.1860, May 18, Posey Co., IN - Deed from Jacob & Magdalena Erkman to Lawrence Trow for $25. One undivided half of part of the West half of the North East Quarter of Section No. Twenty-Six (26) in Township No. Six (6) South of Range No. Thirteen (13) West, 1/4 of an acre, being the same piece of land deeded by one Henry Stallman to said Erkman & Trow Feby. 17th 1860.
1860, July 23 Posey Co., IN - Deed between John Clausheide & Jacob Erkman:
This Indenture made the twenty third day of July in the year of our Lord one Thousand and eight hundred and Sixty between John F. Clausheide and Gessonia(?) Margaretha Clausheide his wife of Vanderburgh County in the state of Indiana, of the first part, and Jacob Erkman of Posey County in the State of Indiana of the second part. Witnesseth, that the said Parties of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of One Thousand Dollars, current money of the United States to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever the following described tract of Land situate lying and being in the County of Posey and state of Indiana and known and designated as the West half of the South West quarter of Section twenty seven (27) in Township No. Six (6) South of Range N. twelve (12) West, in the Vincennes Land District containing Eighty acres more or less . . .1860, August 16 Posey Co., IN - Jacob & Magdalena Erkman sell property to Jonathan Burlison for $800 - undivided half of the North part of the West half of the North East quarter of Section No. Twenty-six (26) in Township No. Six (6) South of Range No. Thirteen (13) West containing sixty three & one half acres . . . (said undivided half above conveyed to be taken off of the East End of said tract above described) Also all of his interest in the East half of the North East of quarter of Section No. Twenty Six (26) in Township No. Six (6) South of Range No. Thirteen (13) West said interest conveyed being two acres of land . . .
1860, November 19 Posey Co., IN - Jacob & Magdalena Erkman sold 40 acres to George Schnabel (?) for $575. The Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of section number twenty-seven (27) in township number six (6) south of range number twelve (12) west
1862, November 5, Posey Co., IN Probate Order Book 1:
In the matter of Nicholes Bechtold, deceased, Now at this time come the heirs of said estate, and the court being advised of the premises (?) finds that the following named persons are heirs at law of and distributies of said Nicholes Bechtold deceased, to-wit: Christina Bechtold, widow and Catherine Eglie, wife of Henry Eglie, Magdalina Erkman wife of Jacob Erkman, Mary C. Dearlamb, wife of Casper Dearlamb, Sarah Lang wife of William Lang, Barbary Bechtold, Elizabeth Bechtold and Lewis Bechtold, children. It is therefore ordered that by the court that said administrator pay the said sum of one thousand and four dollars and fifty three cents (1,004.53) heretofore reported at the present term of this court for distribution herein, to said heirs as distributies, or any other person or persons legally authorized to receipt for the same in manner and form following to-wit:
- To Christina Bechtold (widow) 1/3 $334.85
- To Catherina Eglie, wife of Henry Eglie 1/7 of 1/3 95.66
- To Magdalina Erkman wife of Jacob Erkman 1/7 of 2/3 paid 95.66
- To Mary C. Dearlamb, wife of Casper Dearlamb 1/7 of 2/3 95.67
- To Sarah Lang wife of William Lang 1/7 of 2/3 95.67
- To Barbaray Bechtold paid 1/7 of 2/3 95.67
- To Elizabeth Bechtold paid 1/7 of 2/3 95.67
- Lewis Bechtold 1/7 of 2/3 95.67
- [total] $1004.52
[Margin note] $4 16/100 cents are yet due on this note the Adm having settled without p---- same
Received of Florian Gabel Adm. $95 67/100 in full of my distribution Dec. 1st, 1862 [signed] Magdalena Erkmann, Jacob Erkmann
Rec'd of Florian Gabel 191 34/100 in full of distribution of Barbary Bechtold & Elizabeth Bechtold as their guardian Dec. 1st 1862 [signed] Jacob Erkmann
Rec'd. of Florian Gabel $95.67 in full of my distributive share in the above distribution April 24, 1863 [signed] Maria Katharina Dimborn [that's what the German script looks like, this would be Mary C. Dearlamb], Casper Deilom
Rec'd. of Florian Gabel Adm. $95.66 in full of my distributive share in the foregoing distribution this July 7th 1863 [signed] Katherina Egli [German script] (--?--) Egli [this would be Henry Egli, but the name doesn't look like Heinrich]
Rec'd. of Florian Gabel Admr. $334.85 in full of my distributive share in foregoing distribution July 7, 1863 Christina (--?--) Guardian [this would be the widow Christina Bechtold, but the surname seems to be something else]
Rec'd. of Florian Gabel Adm. $95.67 in full of our distributive share Dec. 14th 1863 Sarah Lang, Willem Lang
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Jacob Erkman home in White County |
1863, March 18 Posey Co., IN - Jacob & Magdalena Erkman sold 40 acres to Henry Rickens(?) for $900. The North west quarter of the South West quarter of section twenty-seven (27) in township six (6) south of range twelve (12) west.
1863, November 2, Posey County, IN - Jacob Erkman & Madaline Erkman vs. Christian Bechtold, et al, partition. This is most likely a partition of Magdalena's father's estate amongst her mother, sisters and brother.
Be it remembered that on the 2d day of the November term 1863 of the Court of Common Pleas of Posey County, Indiana it being the 3rd day of November the following report of partition was made to the same confirmed by Said Court to wit:
Jacob Erkman & Magdaline Erkman vs. Christina Bechtold, Henry Egli, Catherine Egli, Casper Dearland, Mary C. Dearland, William Lang, Sarah Lang, Barbary Bechtold, Elizabeth Bechtold & Lewis Bechtold
Now at this time came Florian Gabel, Jacob Folz and George Apple Commissioners appointed to make partition herein and make and acknowledge in open court their report of partition which reads in words and figures following, to wit:
State of Indiana, Posey County, Sct.
Jacob Erkman & Magdaline Erkman vs. Christina Bechtold, Henry Egli, Catherine Egli, Casper Dearland, William Lang, Sarah Lang, Barbary Bechtold, Elizabeth Bechtold, Lewis Bechtold.
Court of Common Pleas of Posey County November term 1863 To the honerable [sic] John Pitcher Judge of Said Court. We the undersigned Commissioners appointed at the last term of this Court to make partition of Certain lands belonging to the above named parties and which is described as follows, to wit: The South East Quarter of the North East Quarter of Section No. thirty-four (34) in Township No. five (5) South of Range No. twelve west. Excepting a strip or parcel of Land nineteen poles in width off of the East Side and Extending the Entire length thereof.
Would respectfully report that after having been duly Sworn according to Law we examined Said premises, carfully [sic] and have assigned and Set apart to each as follows to wit: First, we have assigned and set apart to Casper Dearland, Barbary Bechtold, Elizabeth Bechtold and Lewis Bechtold to be held by them in fee Simple & as Tenants in common the following described tract, to wit: Commencing 4 75/100 chains west of the South East corner, of the the South East Quarter of the North East Quarter of Section No. 34 in Township No. 5 Range No. 12 West running thence North 20 chains thence West 8 80/100 chains, thence South 30 chains, thence East 8 80/100 chains to the place of beginning. Containing 17 60/100 acres more or less.
Second We have assigned and Set apart to Sarah Lang, wife of William Lang to be held by her in fee Simple in Severalty the following to wit: Commencing 4 76/100 chains East of the South West corner of the South East Quarter of the North East Quarter of Section 34 in Township No. 5 South of Range No. 12 west, running thence North 20 chains thence East 2 20/100 chains thence South 20 chains thence west 2 20/100 chains to the place of beginning containing 4 40/100 acres.
Third We have assigned and Set apart to Catherine Egli wife of Henry Egli the following described tract to be held by her in fee Simple in Severalty to wit: Commencing 2 20/100 chains East of the South west corner of the South East Quarter of the North East quarter of Section No. 34 in Township No. 5 South of Range No. 12 west running thence East 2 20/100 chains thence North 20 chains. Thence west 2 20/100 chains. Thence South 20 chains to place of beginning containing 4 40/100 acres.
Fourth. We have assigned and Set apart to Magdaline Erkman wife of jacob Erkman to be held by her in fee Simple in Severalty the following Tract to wit: Commencing at the South west corner of the South East quarter of the North East quarter of Section No. 34 in Township No. (5) five South of Range No. 12 west running thence East 2 20/100 chains thence North 20 chains, thence west 2 20/100 chains thence South 20 chains to place of beginning containing 4 40/100 acres. All of which is respectfully Submitted with the platt annext.
Florian Gabel, Jacob Fultz, George Appel
State of Indiana, Posey County, Sct. Before me William P. Edson Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Posey County Indiana came Florian Gabel, George Appel and Jacob Fultz Commissioners as above in open Court and made and acknowledged in open court the foregoing report as their voluntary act and Deed. Witness my hand and the Seal of said Court this 3d day of November 1863.
Wm. P. Edson, Clk. (SS)
Plat - NE1/4 of Sec. [??] No. 34. Town 5 SR 12 West
No. 1 To Casper Dearland, No. 2 to Sarah Lang, No. 3 to Catherine Egli, No. 4 Magdaline Erkman
Which Report being Examined by the Court and the Court being fully advised of the premises. It is ordered adjudged and decreed that Said report be in all things ratified and approved and that the partition of Real Estate therein contained be and remains firm and Effectual forever between the parties therein forever, and it is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that the parties pay all costs herein in proportion to their respective rights and interests herein, and it is further ordered that the followances be made to wit:
To Jacob Fultz 2 days as comr. $4.00
To Florian Gabel 2 days as comr $4.00
To George Appel 2 days as comr $4.00
To James W. Whitworth 2 days as comr $11.30
State of Indiana, Posey County Sct. I William P. Edson Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Posey County in the State of Indian do hereby certify that the foregoing is as full true and complete copy of a report of partition made to and confirmed by Said Court as fully as the Same remains of record in my office. In Testamony whereof I have hereto Set my hand and the Seal of Said Court at Mt. Vernon, this 2d day of December 1863.
Wm. P. Edson, Clk by W.H. Whitworth DC. I certify that the Acknowledgement of which the above and foregoing is a true copy was duly Stamped with 5 cts Revenue Stamp as provided by an act of Congress and Recorded December 5th December 1863
G.W. Thomas RPC, by F.A. Pentecost DR1869, October 1, Posey Co., IN - Jacob & Eva sold 60 acres in Marrs Twp. to Phillip Werkman for $3000. South West quarter of the North West quarter of Section seventeen (17) in Township six (6) South of Range Twelve 12 West and also the South half of the south east quarter of the south east quarter of section 18 in Township six (6) south of range twelve west excepting twelve feet off of the east side of said half quarter. Quarter section to contain in all sixty acres. Is there a family connection or is it just coincidence Erkman / Werkman?
1870 White Co., IL, Enfield Precinct - age 35 real estate valued at $1700, personal estate valued at $800. Living with Eva and four children.
1880 White Co., IL - age 45 living with wife Fredericka and eight children: four by his first wife, two by Fredericka and two of Fredericka's children by Michael Dietz
1896, May 4, White Co., IL - Jacob wrote his will:
The Last Will and Testament of Jacob Erkman, of he Town of Carmi in the County of White and State of Illinois made and published the Fourth Day of May in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Six.
In the Name of God, Amen. I Jacob Erkman, of the own of Carmi, in the County of White and State of Illinois of the age of Sixty-one years, and being of sound mind and memory do hereby make, publish and declare this, my Last Will and Testament, in manner following:
First - It is my will that my funeral expenses and all my just debts be fully paid.
Second - I give and bequeath to my wife Fredericka Erkman after paying my just debts and funeral expenses, all my property both real and personal, moneys, choses(?) in action of every kind and character whatever that I now own, or that I may die seized of to be her own sole and absolute property to do with and dispose of as she may see fit to do, except as hereafter provided.
Third - It is my will that my said wife shall within one year after my death pay to each of my following named children towit George Erkman, Clara Zeller, Kate Damsey, Madaline Driling, Elizabeth Erkman and Jacob Erkman, Jr., the sum of Five Dollars, which is to be in full of all their interest in my estate the above being children by my first wife.
Fourth - It is my will that my wife shall after my death keep and support our minor children until each of them shall become of the age (that is to say the girls 18 and boys 21 years of age) and that she pay to each of them as they arrive at age (as above stated) the sum of Five Dollars, towit Frederick Erkman, Edward Erkman, John G. Erkman, Annie Erkman, Sophia Erkman, Joseph Erkman and Henry Erkman which amount is and shall be in full of their share of my estate, the last named children being by my now present wife.
Lastly, I hereby nominate and appoint my wife Fredericka Erkman without bond to be the Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Fourth day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety Six.
Jacob Erkman
The above Instrument consisting of two sheets was now here subscribed by Jacob Erkman the testator in the presence of each of us, and was at the same time declared by him to be his Last Will and Testament, and we at his request, sign our names hereto in his presence as attesting witnesses.
Phillip Appel of Carmi, Ill., Nathaniel Holderley of Carmi, Ill.1900 White County, IL - Mill Shoals Twp., age 65, immigration date given as 1839. Jacob is listed as a naturalized citizen and a retired farmer. He is living with Frederick and three of their children.
1908, August, White County, IL - Fredericka probated Jacob's will.
State of Illinois, White County. In the County Court, in Probate, August Term AD 1908. To the Hon. Julius C. Kern Judge of said Court:
The undersigned Petitioner Fredericka Erkman respectfully represents to your Honor that the attached instrument of writing purports to be the Last Will and Testament of Jacob Erkmann deceased. That the said deceased departed this life at his residence in Enfield Township White County Illinois on or about the 13th day of August AD 1908 and also that Jacob Erkmann at the time of his death, resided in Enfield Township in the County of White and State of Illinois. Your petitioner further represents that the said Jacob Erkmann left, at the time of his death, the following named heirs-at-law and legatees Fredericka Erkmann his widow and
- George Erkmann son, McLeansboro, Ill.
- Henry Erkman son Enfield, Ill
- Clara Zeller daughter Crawford, Neb.
- Kate Damsey [Dempsey] daughter Decoven, Ky. [Dekoven, Union Co., KY]
- Magdalena Driling daughter, Henderson, KY
- Elizabeth Erkmann daughter Enfield, IL
- Jacob Erkmann son unknown
- Frederick Erkmann son Fort Desoto, Florida
- Russell Erkmann grandchild Mill Shoals, Ill.
- John G. Ekrmann son, Enfield, Ill
- Annie Wheeler, daughter Mill Shoals, Ill
- Sophia Jordan daughter Enfield, Ill
- Joseph Erkmann son, Enfield, Ill
And that the above named persons are all the heirs-at-law and legatees. Your petitioner further asks that the Last Will and Testament be admitted to Probate. Fredericka her + mark Erkmann
State of Illinois, White County SS Fredericka Erkmann being duly sworn, deposes and says that the allegations contained in the foregoing petition are true, to the best of her knowledge and belief. Fredericka her + mark Erkmann
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 18th day of August AD 1908. James C. Pearce, Notary Public.
It is ordered by the court that the 25th day of September AD 1908 be set for a hearing on said Will. Julius C. Kern, County Judge.1908, September, White County, IL - Jacob's will was proved.
State of Illinois, White County, White County Court, Proof of Will
September Term 1908
In the matter of the probate of the Last Will and Testament of Jacob Erkman, Deceased. And now on this 25th day of September A.D. 1908 personally appeared in open court Nathaniel G. Holderley, who being duly sworn on his oath deposes and says: that he did on the 4th day of May 1906 sign, the last will and testament of Jacob Erkman, now deceased, as one of the attesting witnesses thereto, and that at the same time, Phillip Appel the attesting witness whose name appears on said will signed the same in the presence of affiant, and in the presence of and at the request of Jacob Erkman, now deceased. And that affiant saw the said Phillip Appel sign his name to said instrument as an attesting witness thereto. Affiant further says that he was the scribner who ---- said last will and testament and remembers distinctly that Phillip Appel who is now deceased, signed his name thereto as attesting witness on the day and date aforesaid, and further affiant says not.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of September AD 1908. N. Holderley
Seal Odum McCallister, Notary Public
State of Illinois, White County, White County Court, September Term 1908
In the matter of the probate of the Last Will and testament of Jacob Erkman Deceased. James C. Pearce being first duly sworn on his oath deposes and says: that he was well acquainted with Phillip Appel deceased, in his lifetime. That he did his business for a number of years prior to his death and that he is well acquainted with the handwriting of the said Phillip Appel now deceased. And that the handwriting of the said deceased is well known to him. Affiant further says that the name of Phillip Appel appearing on the last will and testament of Jacob Erkman deceased as one of the attesting witnesses, to said last will and testament, is the true and genuine signature of Phillip Appel now deceased.
Affiant further says that the said Phillip has been dead some four or five years and further affiant says not.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of September 1908. Seal James C. Pearce.
Odum McCallister, NP
State of Illinois, White County, Clerks Certificate of Probate of Will
I, Matthew Martin, Clerk of the County Court within and for the County and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing instrument of writing hereto attached was duly presented in open court for probate, at the September Term in 1908, towit, September 25th 1908. And the Court, after hearing the testimony of the subscribing witnesses thereto, produced, sworn and examined in open court, ordered that said instrument of writing be received, probated and recorded as, and for, the true. Last will and Testament of Jacob Erkman deceased.
Seal In testimony whereof I hereunto subscribe my name, and attach the seal of said court this 25th day of September 1908.
Matthew Martin, Clerk
By Otis Downen DCChildren of Jacob & Eva Magdalena (Bechtold) Erkman:
George William b. 7/12/1857, d. 12/24/1943 md. Anna Katharina Hahn 9/18/1884
- Carolina Magdalena b. 3/10/1885, md. Ralph Harvey 1904
- Earnest Harvey b. 1906
- Amelia Myrtle Harvey b. 1909
- Roberta Harvey b. 1920
- Irene Harvey b. 1923
- Louisa Margaret b. 10/5/1885 md. G.B. Sears
- John Tobious b. 4/6/1890, d. 11/5/1961, md. Anna Eliza Heady 2/16/1913
- Edith Pearl b. 1913, d. 1999 md. Howard Robertson 1933, children: Martha & Howard
- William Edward b. 1914, d. 1993 md. Helen Trout 1946 child: Wanda
- Opal Fern b. 1918, d. 2017 md. Marshall Hall 1943 children: Ilene Kay & Kenneth
- Frieda Aliene b. 1921, d. 2011 md. Charles Gunter 1940 children: Charles, Donald, Barbara, Daniel, Janet, Fred, Ruby, David
- Jessie Jewell b. 1923, d. 2010, md. Donald Musgrave 1945, children: Rella, Ward, Walter, Donald is a descendant of Ambrose Maulding
- Wilburn (twin) b. 1926, d. 2001 md. Pearl Riley 1952, children: Paula, Dennis, James
- Wilma (twin) b. 1926, d. 2015 md. 1) Leland Hall 1947 & 2) Donald Morris, children: Flossie Hall, Dorothy Hall, Donald Morris, Jane Morris
- John Robert, b. 1929, d. 2009 md. Eula Faye Huffstutler 1957, children: Cheryl, Kevin
- George William b. 3/20/1893, 10/23/1958 md. Florence (--?--)
- Warner
- Emma
- Emory
- Floradell
- Wayne
- Frederick Edward b. 11/16/1895, d. 1/16/1922 age 26
- Amilia Elizabeth b. 8/30/1900 md. Fred Miller 1921
Clara b. 4/6/1861, d.8/24/1937 md. 1) John Jacob Zeller 7/11/1880; 2) George Wilson Plummer; 3) William Fred Wells
- George Franklin Zeller b. 5/28/1881, d. 7/24/1951 md. Barbara Wackel 10/31/1906
- Mary Magdalena Zeller b. 10/9/1883, d. 11/28/1968 md. Willard Burt Allred 9/6/1905
- John Jacob Zeller b. 10/11/1885, d. 12/12 1890 age 5
- Elnora Sophia Zeller b. 12/21/1888, d. 10/12/1934 md. George Asa Beal 7/23/1912
- Lena Beal md. (--?--) Allphin
- Audrey Beal
- Farrel Zeller Beal b. 1916, d. 1998
- John Leonard Zeller b. 12/6/1890, living 1941 Garfield, WA, md. Lily Zackery
- Elizabeth Kate Zeller b. 12/20/1892, d. 7/25/1893
- Charles Frederick Zeller b. 10/1/1894, d. 10/17/1974 md. Inez Havett
- Ramona Eleanor md. (--?--) Morava
- William Joseph Zeller b. 1/30/1897, d. 8/25/1964 md. Ludean F. Beal 2/3/1921
- Ervan
- Eldon
- Clarence b. 1924, d. 2007 md. Bessie Baird 1943 - children: Mitchel, Von, Annelia, JoAnn, Gene, Sidney
- Donald b. 1931, d. 2014
- Elmer Leroy Zeller b. 11/10/1899, d. 12/2/1971 md. Phoebe Louise Wheeler
- Clara Pearl Zeller b. 7/8/1902, d. 6/6/1931 md. Theodore Fox 5/27/1925
- Whilemina Margareita Zeller b. 7/29/1906, d. 12/7/1954 md. Frank Warner
Mrs. Dempsey, 82, is Taken by Death - Mrs. Katherine Dempsey, 82, widow of the Rev. Warner W. Dempsey, died Monday, September 11, at the home of a son, Warner T. Dempsey, Oak Street Road. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, September 13 at the Walton & Stein Chapel, with the Rev. Pryor T. Smith, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, officiating. Burial was in the Maple Ridge Cemetery. Pallbearers were Raymond Austin, Erwin Ziegler, Silas Yates, Paul Bryant, Paul Kingery and Daren Pearce. Flower bearers were Lillian Fischer, Loretta Fischer, Wanda Dempsey and Jessie Fischer. Mrs. Dempsey was born March 13, 1862, the daughter of Jacob and Lena Erkman. She was married June 6, 1886, to the Rev. Warner W. Dempsey, and to them were born three children. The Rev. Mr. Dempsey died September 3, 1897. Mrs. Dempsey is survived by her only daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Fischer, of Manteno; her son, Warner, of Carmi, five grandchildren and four great grandchildren. We appreciate every kindness shown by neighbors and friends during the illness of our loved one. Mrs. Katherine Dempsey, and for the many expressions of sympathy at the time of her passing. The Fischer & Dempsey Families.
- Samuel Dempsey b. 1887, d. 1898
- Nancy Elizabeth Dempsey b. 2/1892 md. William Fischer
- Dempsey Fischer b. 1908
- Malcolm Fischer b. 1911
- Louis Fischer b. 1914
- Werner Fischer b. 1917
- Warner Dempsey b. 1898, d. 11/29/1963 aka Skeet md. Edna Trapp ca. 1916
- Christina Adeline Dempsey b. 1917, d. 1919
- Warner Dempsey
- Ernest Rudolph Dreiling b. 5/5/1886, d. 6/11/1972 md. Nettie Pearl Follett 7/4/1911
- William Dreiling b. 1917, d. 1993 md. Norma Blood 1938, child: Richard
- Louis Charles Dreiling b. 1888, d. 1963
- Lena Dreiling b. 1890, d. 1976
- Peggy Ann Dreiling b. 1893, d. 1976
Jacob b. 8/12/1873, last heard from in September 1897
Children of Jacob & Fredericka (Probst Dietz) Erkman:
Frederick b. 9/8/1877, d. 5/30/1939 never married. Fred was a career soldier.
Edward b. 2/1879, d. 10/25/1907 md. Gersie Gifford 2/24/1902
- Russell b. 1902, d. 1977 md. Viola Jackson, no children
- Edna E. b. 4/10/1910, d. 12/1993 md. Edward Charles Buddeke ca. 1931
- Dorothy Buddeke
- Maryellen Buddeke
- Edward Buddeke b. 1941, d. 2007
- Thomas Buddeke b. 1943, d. 1997
- Edward M. b. 4/20/1911, d. 11/30/1994 md. Bernice Reay,
- Edward md. Marilyn Murphy, children: Kathy, Matt
- Dorothy md. (--?--) Hawkins, children: James, Richad
- Martin Jacob b. 8/24/1912, d. 12/25/1913 age 1
- Mildred b. 1914, d. 8/19/1978 md. Edward E. Chrisman
- Mary Chrisman md. (--?-- Deppe
- Rose Chrisman md. (--?--) Lewis
- Penelope Chrisman md. Charles Bordoli
- John Pershing b. 1919, d. 4/14/1995 md. Marie K. Stiak
- Dot md. William Oliver
- Irene md. William Krotz
- John
Anna b. 10/29/1883, d. 11/6/1975 md. Lonnie Wheeler 12/21/1904
- William John Wheeler b. 2/11/1914, d. 2/11/1914
- Bernice Iona Wheeler b. 1/14/1918, d. 1/14/1918
- Freda Mary Jordan b. 7/27/1910, d. 12/23/2007 md. Lyman Porter 10/25/1931, no children
- Dorothy May b. 1926
Attack by Inmate of State Institution Fatal - Body of Joe Erkman Arrived in Carmi Wednesday Morning and Burial Made Thursday
Following an attack made on him by an inmate of the Pontiac State Hospital for the insane, Joseph Erkman, former resident of Carmi township, died Monday, September 27th, at University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich., where he had been taken following his injury. He was 39 years, 6 months and 3 days of age.
Joseph Erkman, son of Jacob and Friedericka (Prospect) Erkman [Fredericka Probst], was born in Carmi township March 24, 1887; died at Ann Arbor, Mich., September 27, 1926.
He was employed as a YMCA worker at Lincoln, Nebraska for two years, just prior to the World War, and was there when the call for enlistment came. He returned to Carmi, enlisting from this place, on May 20, 1918, going first to Jefferson Barracks. After spending five days there he was sent to Fort Crook, Nebraska, and after a stay of two weeks, went to Camp Funston, Kansas, and was discharged in 1919. At that time he was with Co. D. 41st Inf., 10th Division.
For the past few years he had been working at Detroit, Mich., and since last May had been employed at the State Hospital at Pontiac as night guard. It was while looking after these duties Sunday night that he was attacked by an inmate of the hospital and his skull crushed.
Following his injuries he was taken to University hospital at Ann Arbor, Mich. and everything possible done to save his life, however death came Monday.
The body was taken from the hospital to Pontiac to be prepared for burial and was shipped to Carmi, arriving here at 7:38 over the Big Four road Wednesday morning, and was taken to the home of his sister Mrs. Ernest Jordan [Sophia (Erkman) Jordan], at 715 North Third street.
Funeral services were held this Thursday afternoon at two o'clock from the Jordan home, conducted by Rev. B.S. Kello, pastor of the Enfield Christian church, assisted by Rev. Henry C. Kello, of the Carmi church. The Odd Fellows of Enfield of which lodge Mr. Erkman was a member, had charge of the services. Interment was made in Newman cemetery.
Flower girls were Misses Frieda Mary Jordan, Effie and Cecil Thompson, Alwina Barth, Mabel Clark and Florence Ude.
Surviving Mr. Erkman are two sisters, Mrs. Ernest Jordan, of Carmi, and Mrs. Lonnie Wheeler [Anna (Erkman) Wheeler], of Mill Shoals; three brothers, Fred Erkman, of Detroit, Mich., John Erkman, of Chicago, and Henry Erkman, of Wayne City. He is also survived by six half sisters, Mrs. Lula Erhardt [Louisa (Dietz) Erhardt] and Mrs. Kate Dempsey [Katherine (Erkman) Dempsey], of Carmi, Mrs. Sherman Johnson [Magdalena (Dietz) (Hays) Sherman] of Maunie. Miss Lizzie Erkman [Elizabeth Erkman] of Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Lena Dryling [Magdalena (Erkman) Dreiling] of Henderson, Ky., and Mrs. Clara Wells [Clara (Erkman) (Zeller) (Plummer) Wells] of Wyoming, and two half brothers, George Erkman of McLeansboro and Andy Dietz of Mill Shoals.Henry
Revised 10/2/2024
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