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Nancy Young |
1827 – Nancy Young
daughter of Michael & Emily (?) Young.
She died 1900 in Oldham Co. KY.
Daniel Clardy son of
John & Ida (Robertson) Clardy
David Clardy brother
of Daniel above, they are not twins.
Steven Lathrop son
of Levi & Muriel (Foster) Lathrop
Jennie Trotter
daughter of Roger & Rita (Keen) Trotter
Alicia Talbert wife
of David Summers
1585 – Robert White
& Bridget Allgar in Messing, England.
Robert born Messing, England the son of Robert & Alice (?)
White. He died in Messing in 1617. Bridget, the daughter of William & Mary
(Smith) Allgar was baptized 1562 in Shalford, England. The couple had at least eight children and
at one time were the ancestors of 1 out of 4 Americans.
We descend from two of their daughters.
In the
name of God Amen. May the seaven and twentyeth in the fifteenth yeare of the
raigne of our Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god Kinge of England
ffrance and Ireland defender of the faith etc and of Scotland the fiftyeth. In
the yeare of our Lord god 1617 I Robert White of Messinge in the countye of
Essex yeoman, beinge of good and p'fect remembrance, doe make this my last will
and testament, in manner and forme followinge.
Imprimis. I commend my soule
unto the hands of god almightey my most faythful creator redemer and sanctifier
and my bodie to be buried in the parish church or church yeard of Messinge, at
the discretion of mine executors.
Item I give and bequeath unto the poore
people of Messinge fortye shillings of lawful mony of England, to be
distributed amongst them, at ye discretion of mine executors and the
minister of Messinge, within one month next after my departure from this naturall
Item I give and bequeath unto Mr. Richard Rogers preacher of gods word at
Withersfield in Essex aforesaid; and to Bartholomew Scrivener Minister of the
church of god in Messinge aforenamed to each of them the severall summe of
fortey shillings of like lawfull monie, to be payd unto them within two monthes
after my departure.
Item I give and bequeath unto mine eldest daughter Sarah,
the wife of James Bowtell of little Salinge, the summe of fifteene pounds of
lawfull mony of England, to be paid within fower years next after my depture.
Item I give and bequeath unto Jeames Bowtell the younger, son of my said
daughter Sarah Bowtell, the summe of five pounds of good and lawfull mony of
England, to be paid unto him when he shall come to ye sixteenth yeare of his
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Marie the wife of Joseph Lummis of
Branetree, one pewter platter.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth the wife Willm Goodinge of
Bockinge the summe of fortye markes of like lawful monye (monye) within one
yeare next after my depture, to paid unto her.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Bridgett White the sum of one hundred
marks of like lawfull monye, to be paid unto her upon the day of her marriage,
provided that she my said daughter Bridgett shall not bestow her selfe in
marryage without the approbation and consent of my two sonnes in law Joseph
Lummys [Loomis] and Willim Goodinge formrly mentioned, and my wife Bridgett White or the
consent of two of them whereof my wife to be one of the twaine. But yf it happen
that shee mariye without the consent aforesaid then I give her only the summe
of thirtye pounds of like lawfull monie.
Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Anna White the summe of one hundredth
markes of like lawfull mony: to be paid unto her upon ye day of her marriage;
yf soe be she shall bestow her selfe in marriage, accordinge to the likinge and
consent of my two fornamed sonnes in law, and my wife, as is aforesaid. But yf
it soe fall out, as that she my said daughter Anna shall marrye without the
consent and approbation formerly mentioned, then I give and bequeath her only
the sum of thirtey pound of like and lawfull monie.
Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne Nathaniel White the sume of fortie
pounds of like lawfull monye, whereof my will is that twenty pounds shalbe paid
within one yeare next after my depture, and the other twentye pounds to be paid
unto him within two years next after my said depture oute of this naturall
Item I give and bequeath unto my sonne John White the summe of two
hundreth pounds of like lawfull monie to be paid to him when he shall come to
ye years of one and twentye of his age; yett provided that my said sonne John
shall not bestow himselfe in marriage without the approbation and consent of my
aforesaid two sonnes in law Joseph Lummys and William Goodinge, and my wife his
mother. And yf it soe fall oute that this my son John shall match him selfe
contrarye to the good likinge and consent aforesaid, then I give and bequeath
unto him onlye as his full portion the summe of one hundred pounds of like
lawfull monye.
Item my mind and will is, that yf any of my foresaid children that are
unmarried shall departe this naturall life before the tymes appointed for the
paymt of their portions; or yf any of them shall marrye contrarye to the
consent and approbation mentioned, then such summe or summes of monie (as shall
remaine and accrew, eyther by their death or disobeydience), shall be equally
devidedt amongste the rest of my children whither marryed or unmarried, pte and
parte like.
Item I give and bequeath unto my son John White the ioyned standinge bedstead
wch is in the parlour, wth the featherbed, flockbed, bolster coueringe wth
other furneyture thereunto belonginge; alsoe the presse cupbourd the cupbourd
table and newest chest, all wch are in said ploure to be delivered him after
the death of my wife Bridgett White, or instead thereof the summe of twenty
marks of like lawfull monye.
Item I constitute and ordaine my aforesaid sonnes in law Joseph Lumys Willm
Goodings supulsors of this my last will and testament and doe give unto each of
them the severall summes of fortey shillings of like lawfulle mony: touards
their charge and paines in seinge this my will executed according to my minde.
Item I give and bequeath unto Ralph Bett the younger my kinsman and servant me
summe of five pounds of like lawfull monye, to be paid unto him within one
yeare next after my departure. Item I give and bequeath unto Joseph Digbie my
servant, twentye shillings of like lawfull monye, to be paid within one yeare
next after my depture.
Item all the rest of my goods unbequeathed I give and bequeath unto my wife
Bridgett White, and to my sonne Daniel White whome I constitute and ordayne the
ioynte executors of this my last will and testament, hopinge they will
faithfullye execute this my last will accordinge to the trust reposed in them.
In witness whereof I have hereunto sett myne hand and seale the daye and year
first mentioned. Robert White.
In presence of us John Christmas ye elders (x) marke --||--
Willm Levett S. T.
Probatu fuit Testamentu apud Kelvedon vicesimo Die Mensis Junii 1617.
1781 –
Henry Pope & Margaret Goodnight in Lincoln Co., KY. Margaret born ca. 1762 the daughter of
Michael & Mary (Landis) Goodnight.
1842 –
Zalmon Wilson & Emeline Clark in Ohio.
Emeline born 1822 in Lawrence Co., OH was the daughter of Cornelius
& Elizabeth (Lambert) Clark.
1949 –
Frank Lyons & Donna Garrison. Donna
is the daughter of Charles & Leola (Shepherd) Garrison. The couple have 3 children.
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