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Here lyes ye Body of Mr William Cutter: who dec'd April ye 1st 1723 in ye 74th year of his age |
Born: 22 February 1649/50 Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts
- Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the mornng: Psalm 30.5
- Deliver me from the workers of iniquity, and save me from bloody men Psalm 59.2
- Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears; for I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were.
- O spare me, that I may recover strength before I go hence, and be no more, Psalm 39.12.13 William Cutter 1708
- Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: I Chron. 29.11
- Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul: Psalm 25:1
- Vanity of Vanities, Saith the Preacher, Vanity of vanities; all is vanity: what profit hath a man of all his Labour which he taketh under the Sun: : one generation passeth away and another cometh; but the world abideth forever.
- It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes: Psalm 119.71
- When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom. Prov. 11.2
- O Lord, rebuke me not in thy wrath: neither chasten me in thy hot displeasure Psalm 38:1
- He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy. Prov. 29.1
In the name of God Amen this first day of June in the year 1722. I William Cutter of Cambridge in the County of Mid'x in the province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. Yeoman. being of perfect mind and memory. Praise be to Almighty God. Do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form as followeth;
First and principally I do commend my soul into the hands of God Almighty, hoping through the merrits of death and passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to obtain full and free pardon of all my sins and to inherit eternall life, and my body I commit to the earth to be buried att the decresion of my executtors hereafter mentioned. And as touching my temporal estate which Almighty God has bestowed upon me I give and despose as followeth.
First that all my just debs and funerall charges be paid and discharged.
Item I gvie to my dear and loving wife Rebeckah Cutter the full improvement of a third part of my lands and the East end of my now dwelling house during her natural life, and a third part of my moveable Estate to be at her own despose forever.
Item, my will is that my four sons Richard Cutter, John Cutter, William Cutter, and Samuel Cutter have all my homelands lying both in Cambridge and Charlestown to be equally divided amongst them, according to quantity and quallity; and what I have given by a deed of gift unto my son Richard shall be accounted as part of his proportion of land; and I give to my son Richard my barns, and I give him my dwelling house after the decease of my wife. And my will is that my lands shall be so divided as shall be most commodious and convenient to thir houses; and that my son William shall chouse his houseplot in my land lying in the bounds of Charlestown, and adjoyning to my homeplace. And that all my other lands, uplands & meadows lying in Charlestown, Cambridge & Lexington be divided into four parts to each of my abovesaid sons their equal part in quantity and quality. All which I give to my abovesaid sons and tho their heirs and assigns forever, they paying the legacies hereafter mentioned and perfomring the things.
Item my will is that my houseplo lying in Cambridge that I bought of Cousin Champney [Hephzibah (Corlet) Champney, widow] shall be to my youngest son, viz: Ammi Ruhamah Cutter (which with the learning I bestow on him shall be the full of his portion), which said houseplot I give to him and his heirs and assigns forever. Any my will is that my executors hereafter named shall provide and at their equal cost aford suitabe maintenance for the bringing up my son Ammi Ruhamah Cutter through the schools of learning untill he take his second degree in the Colledge; and I afford or give to him so many books as shall be thought necessary by the president or fellows of the Colledge; and I give him a young horss fit for riding when he has commenced master or the value thirof out of my personall estate. And I give to my son William Cutter that part of sd meadow which I bought of my brother Ephraim Cutter and the other three acres more or less which was my father's to be divided between among my other three sons, viz: RIchard, John and Samuel, there equal part.
And my will is that my mills now standing on my homested, together with all the priviledges and apurtunances and utenciels thereto belonging be divided as followeth. I confirm unto my son John Cutter the fourth part which I conveyed unto him by a deed, and it is my will that the other three quatters be divided between my other three sons, to each an equal quatter viz. Richard, William and Samuel.
Item. I give to my daughter Elizabeth Herrington forty shillings. And I give unto her children fourty eight pounds to be equally divided amongst them and paid by my executors to each wone as he or she shall come of age, which with what I have formerly given shall be the full of her and her heirs portion.
Item. Igive to my daughter Hannah Winshipp fifty pounds to be paid at two payments, twenty pounds within a year after my decease and thirty pounds more within three year after my decease, which with what I gave her formerly is her portion.
Item. I give to my son in law Joseph Adams twenty pounds to be paid by my executors within two years after my decease, and I give to his children born of my daughter Rebeckah (his first wife now deceast.) thirty pounds to be equally divided and paid to them as they come of age - by my executors - which with what I formerly have given shall be the full of their portion.
Item. I give to my daughter Sarah Cutter eighty pounds to be paid by executtors, twenty pounds to be paid at her marriing and sixty pounds more within five years after my decease which shall be her and her heirs full portion.
And my will is that in the divisions of my sons land they shall have a due respect to each others conveniency, and if any of my sons shall see cause to sell any of their land they shall give the refusall thereof to their brethren and any such son neglecting so to do shall forfit such land or the value thereof. And my will is that if any children or of my sons in law shall enter a course of law to brake and make void this my last will and testament, they or any of them shall thereby forfit all right to any of my estate.
And that my body be decently buried in the burying place in Cambridge.
And I do nominate my dear and loving wife Executrix and my sons Richard Cutter, John Cutter, William Cutter and Samuel Cutter executtors of this my last will and testam't. And do hereby disannull revoke and make void all other and former wills & testaments by me made heretofore.
In witness hereof I the said William Cutter have set to my hand and seal the day and year above written being the eight'th year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George by the grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland King &c.
[Signed] William Cutter {Seal}
Signed sealed & decleared in presents of us: And'w Bordman - sworn; Simon holden - In the country service, but t'other 2 swore he was present; John Smith - sworn
1723 - April 22 - Cambridge, Middlesex, MA - An Inventory of the moveable Estate of William Cutter, late of Cambridge - summary:
- To Wearing Apparell £06.15.00
- To Bedding 11.00.00
- To Wooden Ware 06.07.00
- To Brass Ware 04.13.00
- To Pewter 02.03.00
- To Iron Ware 03.14.00
- To Books 03.00.00
- To Military Arms 03.06.00
- To Stock 84.12.00
- To Carpenter's Tools and Utensils of Husbandry 20.14.08
- To Horse's Furniture 01.19.00
- To a Collash with the Furniture 10.00.00
- To the Third Part of a Wood-Boat 10.00.00
- To 5 year & 5 month's Service of Henry Jonson 16.00.00
- To two Bonds of Credit amounting to 40.00.00
[total] £224.03.8
Sam'll Kidder, John Dickson, Joseph Hartwell - Jur'n omnes.
1723 - April 22 - "More Particular Inventory," exhibited upon oath by the executors as a perfect inventory Reg'd lib. xvi, page 511
- Aparell (1) Wearing APparell: 2 cotten shirts £0.14.0
- to three pair of Breeches 0.15.0
- to a bleu Jacott with silver kuffs 0.10.0
- to a Stuff Coat light coulerd 0.10.0
- to a cloth Great Coat 0.16.0
- to a woosted 25 coat and Jacott 10 cinamon Coulerd 1.15.0
- to a homspun coat dark Coulerd 0.16.0
- to a Hat 0.14.0
- to hoes and shos 0.05.0
- totall 6.15.0
- totall 6.15.0
- Beding (2) to a bed and furniture 5.00.0
- to a low bedsted and beding 2.00.0
- to a high Bedsted and beding 3.00.0
- to two sheets and 2 Pillow cases 1.00.0
- 11.00.0
- Wooden Ware (3) to one chest winscott work 0.12.0
- to a winscott Cuberd and a box 0.15.0
- to 2 plain chests and an old trunk 0.10.0
- to 13 old chairs 0.18.0
- to a woolen wheel and spindle 0.04.0
- to 3 old tables 0.08.0
- to casks and tubs 2.05.0
- to 2 wooden Bottles and a tunnell 0.03.0
- to other wooden ware 0.12.0
- 6.07.0
- Brass Ware (4) to a brass Kittle 3.00.0
- to a pepper box 0.01.0
- to a warming pan 0.15.0
- to a small brass kittle 0.08.0
- to severall other small brass things as scimer ladle &c 0.09.0
- 4.13.0
- Pewter (5) to a large Pewter platter 0.19.0
- to a parcell of small pewter by weight 1.04.0
- 2.03.0
- Iron Ware (6) to a chafing dish and tosting iron 0.05.0
- to a gridiron 0.03.0
- to firepan & tongs and flesh fork 0.03.6
- to a spitt 0.02.0
- to 2 frying pans 0.06.0
- to a pair of hand irons 0.06.6
- to two tramells 0.12.0 [fireplace hanger for pots]
- to an iron pot and hooks 0.14.0
- to an iron kettle 0.06.0
- to a box iron and heater 0.03.0
- to a pair of hand bellows 0.01.6
- to a pair of Stilyards 0.12.0
- 3.14.6
- Books (7) to a Large Bible 1.10.0 [This Bible was owned by Benjamin Cutter in 1871. He procured it from Mrs. Anne (Cutter) Brown, to whom it had descended through her ancestors.]
- to a small one 0.05.0
- to a Law Booke 0.05.0
- to severall other books 1.00.0
- 3.00.0
- Arms (8) to a large fouling peice 1.10.0
- to an old Muskett 0.14.0
- to a carbine 0.18.0
- to 2 old swords 0.04.0
- 3.06.0
- Stock (9) to a pair of oxen 12.00.0
- to ye 3 largest cows 12.15.0
- to ye 2 smaller cows and a hiffer fair with Calf 12.00.0
- to a bull and hiffer 3 year old 5.00.0
- to red pied hiffer 2 year old 2.05.0
- to a brown steer 2 year old & a hiffer 4.00.0
- to ye two largest steers of 1 year old 3.00.0
- to ye other 2 smaler yearlings 2.10.0
- to a young horse 8.00.0
- to the old horse 4.00.0
- to the mare & colt 5.00.0
- to a large sow & a spaid sow 1.10.0
- to 2 small sows with their pigs 1.12,0
- to 18 sheep at 8 shillings a peice 7.04.0
- to 14 lambs at 4 shillings a peice 2.16.0
- 84.12.0
- Utensills (10) Utensills & Carpenters Tools
- to a cart and wheels and irons appertainign 6.00.0
- to 3 ox yokes and Irons 0.06.0
- to a new set of horse chains with hames 0.15.0
- to an old set of horse chains with hames 0.10.0
- to a pair of ring hames 0.02.0
- to an Iron toothed harrow 1.00.0
- to a seed plough with irons 0.14.0
- to a large plough share and bolt 0.10.0
- to a large draft chain 0.09.0
- to a part of a small plough chain 0.04.6
- to 2 pair of iron fetters with locks & keys 0.11.6
- to part of a timber chain 0.13.0
- to a parcel of old iron 36 pounds by weight 0.06.0
- to another parcel of iron things 0.08.0
- to an old pit saw 0.09.0
- to a large tenon saw 007.0
- to a smal tenon saw 0.03.0
- to a large croscut saw 0.08.0
- to a handsaw 0.05.0
- to a large narrow ax 0.05.6
- to a small narrow ax 0.03.6
- to a broad ax 0.03.0
- to a Coopers adds [adze] 0.03.6
- to a drawing knife 0.03.0
- to a burz 0.03.0
- to a small drawing knife 0.01.6
- to 3 old augers 0.03.0
- to 3 carpenters chisells 0.04.0
- to a small saw 0.00.6
- to a parcel of turning tools 0.04.0
- to a larg[e] auger & halfe inch auger 0.03.6
- to a pair of Joiners chisells & small bench hook 0.02.6
- to 4 old planes & spoke shave 0.03.0
- to 2 hamers & 2 gimbletts 0.02.6
- to a Carpenters ads [adze] 0.03.6
- to a hollowing ads 0.02.6
- to an old Cooper's ax 0.02.0
- to a parcel of other old tools 0.04.0
- to an iron holdfast 0.02.0
- to a square and compasses 0.02.6
- to 2 old files 0.01.0
- to a trowell 0.02.0
- to a Crow [bar] 0.01.0
- to a small iron hoop & bolt with other small things 0.01.0
- to part of an iron spade 0.02.0
- to 2 tipt shovells 0.02.2
- to a dung fork 0.01.0
- to an old matock 0.02.0
- to a large broad Crow 0.03.0
- to 2 small broad hous [hoes] 0.04.0
- to 3 old small hous & old cow bell 0.01.0
- to 3 old syths with snath and irons [scythes] 0.04.0
- to an old Iron Crow 0.12.0
- to a steel trap 0.09.0
- to a pitch fork & rake 0.03.6
- to an iron set hoop & Car hoop 0.03.0
- 20.14.8
- Horse's Furniture (11) to a large sadle and housing 0.15.0
- to a small sadle and housen 0.10.0
- to an old sadle 0.06.0
- to a pilion 0.04.0 [thin seat cushion for women to ride]
- to 3 old bridles 0.04.0
- 1.19.0
- to a breast brace and 5 bitts 0.04.0
- to 2 box wood rules & marking iron & chalk roll 0.05.0
- to a silver cup 0.07.0
- to a Collash with ye furniture 10.00.0
- to a third part in ye Boat 10.00.0
- 20.16.0
- to beatle & 3 wedges 0.05.0
- to an old ax 0.02.0
- to Henry's service 16.00.0
1723 - April 29 - Cambridge, Middlesex, MA - William's will was admitted to probate:
Present the widow and all the children (sons) herein named except Richard (the eldest son) John Herrington (who married Eliza'h) a Daughter present and Jn'o Will'm & Sam'l consent that their mother shall have her thirds in the moveables without any deducting. They consent to the Legacy & all accept their trust. FF JP Put over to Monday next come senight ye 6th May at 3'clock PM
1723 - May 6 - Came the widow and three sons John, Wm, and Samuel and Ammi Ruhamah. Stayed till past 5 o'clock & John Herrington came not. I declare for the validity of this will as proved & approved and adminstration granted to the widow and aforesaid 3 sons and they have exhibited an inventory of the personal estate. the lands are all given away by the will. F.F. Jd pro.
1723 - July 22 - Cambridge, Middlesex, MA - Simon Holdin one of the witnesses to the within instrument personally appeared and made oath that he saw Will'm Cutter he subscriber thereof sign & seal and heard him declare the same as his last will and testament and that he was then to the best of his judgment of sound and disposing mind and that he in the presence of sd Cutter sat to his name as witness to the execution thereof. Before me - Jon'a Remington Jd prob. Reg'd Book xvi pages 509, 10 & 11. A opy ab orig'll to Herrington 29 April 1723.
1725 - Nov. 21 - Cambridge, Middlesex, MA - division of property returned. Memorandum of A.R> Cutter - Debts and Legacies due out of Fathers Estate
- to Pickman £41.10.0
- to ye Bank 26.10.0
- to Wyeht 20.00.0
- to sundry small debts 16.00.0
- to Herringtons 50.00.0
- to Winshipp 50.00.00
- to Adamses 50.00.0
- to Sarah Cutter 60.00.0
- to funerall Charges and Probate and Interest 23.14.0
- [subtotal] 338.14.0
- to Ammi 400.17.2
- To't[al] 799.11.2
- Elizabeth Harrington b. 1705/6
- Richard Harrington b. 1707
- Moses Harrington b. 1709/10, d. 1787
- Henry Harrington b. 1711/12, d. 1791 md. Sarah (--?--)
- John Harrington b. 1713/14
- William Harrington b. 1716/17, d. 1717
- Abigail Harrington b. 1718 md. John Palls 1737/8
- Caleb Harrington b. 1721
- Ephraim Winship b. 1709 md. Mehitable Cutter
- Richard Winship b. 1711
- Daniel Winship b. Aug. 1713, d. Dec. 1713
- Joshua Winship b. 1715/16
- Hannah Winship b. 1718
- Bethia Winship bapt. 1724/5
- Lydia b. 1710, d. 1789 md. Seth Reed by 1732
- Samuel Reed b. 1733, d. 1749
- Seth Reed b. 1736, d. 1749
- Susanna Reed bapt. 1739, d. 1749
- Daniel Reed b. 1742, d. 1801 md. Dorothy Billings 1762
- Lydia Reed b. 1745 md. William Muzzy 1764
- Susanna Reed (2nd) b. 1750, d. 1753
- Hannah Reed b. 1752/3 d. 1753
- Rebecca b. 1712, d. 1797 md. 1) Zechariah Hill 1732/3, 2) Capt. Samuel Carter 1770 as his 2nd wife
- Sarah Hill b. ca. 1732, d. 1805 md. William Adams 1750
- Abraham Hill b. ca. 1733, d. 1812 md. Susanna Wellington 1758
- Zechariah Hill b. ca. 1736, d. 1812 md. Ruth Robbins 1771
- John Hill b. 1739/40, killed by a cart 1798 md. Dorcas Bowes 1765
- Samuel Hill b. 1741 md. Martha Bennett 1765
- William Hill b. 1743, d. 1815 md. Mercy Perry 1767
- Rebecca Hill b. 1745 md. John Cutter xi.1.5
- Lydia Hill b. 1747, d. 1822 md. George Prentice 1770
- Susanna Hill b. 1750 md. Maj. Thomas Francis 1771
- Mary Hill b. 1752, d. 1822 md. Stephen Hall 1770
- Deborah Hill b. 1756
- Hannah b. 1715, d. 1742 md John Brooks 1732
- John Brooks b. 1734 md. Mary Brown 1767
- Jabez Brooks b. 1736
- Hannah Brooks b. 1739 md. Tilly Littlejohn
- Thomas Brooks b. 1742/3 md. Hannah Cutter 1763
- Mary b. 1717, d. 1805 md. Capt. Ephraim Frost ca. 1739
- Anna Frost b. Oct 1740, d. Nov. 1740
- Ephraim Frost b. 1742, d. 1833 md. 1) Lydia Perry 1765, 2) Elizabeth Lottridge 1793
- Jonathan Frost b. 1744, d. 1771
- Stephen Frost b. 1717, d. 1810, md. Susanna Brown 1772
- Ruhamah Frost b. 1749
- Mary Frost b. 1752, d. 1805 md. Jonathan Locke 1775
- Lydia Frost b. 1756, d. 1766
- John Frost b. 1769, d. 1812 md. Suanna Hill 1780
- Amos Frost b. 1762, d. 1850 md. Lydia Bemis
- John b. 1720, d. 1797 md. LucyAdams 1745 - no children
- Abigail b. 1722, d. 1796 md. Samuel Frost 1741/2
- Samuel Frost b. 1741, d. infancy
- Samuel Frost (2nd) b. 1743, d. 1790
- Abigail Frost b. 1745/6 md. Hezekiah Weston 1770
- Rebecca Frost b. 1746, d. 1798 md. Solomon Prentice 1775
- John Frost b. 1748, d. 1749
- Martha Frost b. 1750 md. Isaac Tufts 1769
- Sarah Frost b. 1752 , d. 1790 md. John Hutchinson 1772
- John Frost (2nd) b. 1754, d. 1818 md. 1) Betty (--?--), 2) Mrs. Elizabeth Robbins 1802
- Hannah Frost bapt. 1758 md. Josiah Wilson 1780
- Seth Frost b. 1760, d. 1814 md. Sarah Hill 1781
- William Frost bapt. 1762 d. 1791
- Cooper b. 1764, d. 1813 md. (--?--)
- Lydia Harrington Frost b. 1766, d. 1813 md. Simeon Crosby 1787
- Richard b. 1725/6, d. 1795 md. 1) Kezia Pierce ca. 1747, 2) Ruth Hadley
- Thomas b. 1748, md. Betsey Sands
- Ruhamah b. 1750, d. 1829 md. Daniel Smith
- Kezia b. 1751 md. (--?--) Wyatt, and English soldier moved to London
- Hannah b. 1754 md. (--?--) Hobbs
- Richard b. 1756, d. 1823 md. Miriam Brown 1781
- Seth b. 1758, d. 1853 md. Abiah Tallent 1781
- Susanna b. 1760, d. 1826 md. William Fletcher 1790
- Rhoda b. 1762, d. 1819 md. Benjamin Teel 1785
- Lucy b. 1765, d. 1843 md. 1) James Roby 1784, 2) Nathan Fisk
- John b. 1767, d. 1842 md. Miriam Butler 1793
- Elizabeth b. 1771, d. 1795 age 24, never married
- Thomas b. 1727, d. 1737 age 9
- Martha b. 1731, d. 1807 md. Jonathan Stone 1747
- Jonathan Stone b. 1748 killed in retreat from New York 1776, md. Hannah Gates 1769
- Martha Stone b. 1750, d. 1847, md. Thomas Adams 1780
- Seth Stone b. 1752
- John Stone b. 1755
- Thomas Stone b. 1757 md. Mary Rawson 1781
- Lydia Stone b. 1759, d. 1821
- Hannah Stone b. 1761, d. 1818 md. William Adams 1781
- Cherry Stone b. 1764 d. 1806 never married
- Daniel Stone b. 1766, d. 1829 md. Anna Gibson 1790
- Jonas Stone b. 1767 d. before 1805 md. Sarah Toothaker 1792
- Dorcas Stone b. 1770 md. Joseph Smith 1785
- Lucy Stone b. 1772 md. Nathaniel Green 1792
- Ammi b. 1733, d. 1795 md. 1) Esther Pierce 1751, 2) Abigail Holden 1772 & 3) Hannah Holden 1774 (Abigail's sister, they eloped to New Hampshire b/c it was frowned upon in Massachusetts).
- Esther b. 1751, d. 1751 1 month old
- John b. 1753, d. 1811 md. Lucy Adams 1777
- Ammi b. 1755, d. 1830 md. Esther Winship 1776
- Lydia b. 1757, d. 1831 md. Jonathan Teel 1776
- James b. 1759, d. 1823 md. 1) Anne Russell 1767, 2) Mehitable Cutter 1807, [daughter of Jonathan & Anne (Jennings) Cutter below] 3) Lydia (Adams) Russell 1809, 4) Mrs. Rebecca Parker 1819
- Benjamin b. 1761, d. 1824 md. Anna Wyeth - no children
- Jonas b. 1763, d. 1844 md. Lydia Frost
- Esther Ruhamah b. 1765 d. 1833 md. Ebenezer Hall 1786
- Ephraim b. 1767, d. 1841 md. Deborah Locke 1791
- Frances b. 1769, d. 1849 md. Walter Russell 1765
- Unnamed child b. ca. 1773, probably died soon after birth
- Joshua b. 1774, d. 1776
- Thomas b. 1776, d. 1795 - never married
- Joshua b. 1779, d. 1819 md. Sarah Mont 1797
- Abigail b. 1781, d. 1855 md. Calvin Howe 1802
- Hannah b. 1783, d. 1786
- Rebecca b. 1786, d. 1850 md. Benjamin Foster 1807
- Simon b. 1788, d. 1842 md. Christiana Simonton 1808
- Hannah (2nd) b. 1790 d. 1842 md. Thomas Gibson 1784
- Artemas b. 1792, d. 1864 md. 1) Mary Parker 1819, 2) Sarah (Eaton) Kidder
- Abiel b. 1794 md. Dorcas Elwell 1822
- Ruhamah b. 1733, d. 1737
- Thomas Adams b. 1711, d. Nov. 17, 1713
- Joseph Adams b. Aug. 20, 1713, d. 1802 md. 1) Anna Frost 1737, 2) Lydia Chadwick & 3) Elizabeth Bowman - After the death of his brother Thomas in November 1713, Joseph's name was changed to Thomas (2nd).
- Joseph Adams (2nd) b. 1715, d. 1794 md. 1) Martha Frost 1740, 2) Hannah Hall 1750
- Margaret Adams b. 1717 md. Elisah Doubledee 1736
- Jonathan b. 1726, d. 1770 md. Anne Jennings 1749
- William b. 1750/1, d. 1836 md. Mary Blackman 1774
- Anne b. 1753, d. 1784
- Anne (2nd) b. 1755, d. 1787 md. (--?--) Brown - no children
- Rebecca b. 1757 probably died young
- Mary b. 1760, md. Benjamin Richardson 1783
- Jonathan b. 1763, d. 1813 md. Lydia Trask 1788, Lydia md. 2) William Cutter 1818 son of Samuel & Susanna (Francis) Cutter below]
- Mehitable b. 1765, d. 1809 md. James Cuter 1807 [son of Ammi & Esther (Pierce) Cutter above] - no children
- Solomon b. 1769, d. 1846 md. Sarah Wyman 1793
- William b. 1721, d. 1737, 15 years old
- Esther b. 1723/4 md. Stephen Prentice 1741
- Samuel bapt. 1723, died infancy
- Anne b. 1730/1 md. Walter Dickson 1750
- Anne Dickson b. 1752
- Mary Dickson b. 1755 md. Jonathan Butterfield 1772
- Esther Dickson b. 1757 md. Joseph Tufts 1779
- Rebecca Dickson bapt. 1759, d. 1765
- Lucy Dickson b. 1764
- Walter bapt. 1767 md. Anna Tufts 1793
- Rebecca b. 1732/3 md. Jason Dunster 1749
- Ruth Dunster b. 1750, d. in infancy
- Rebecca Dunster b. 1752, d. 1753
- Henry Dunster b. 1754
- Rebecca Dunster (2nd) b. 1755
- Martha Dunster b. 1758
- Jason Dunster b. 1763
- Samuel Cutter Dunster b. 1766
- Hannah b. 1734/5, d. 1779 md. Joseph Tufts, Jr. 1754
- Joseph Tufts b. 1755
- Ammi Ruhamah Tufts b. 1762 [Hosea 2:1 In that day you will call your brothers Ammi - 'my people.' And you will call your sisters Ruhamah - 'the ones I love.']
- Walter Tufts b. 1766
- Cotton Tufts b. 1768, d. 1777
- Samuel b. 1736, d. 1791 md. Susanna Francis 1757 - he survived Bunker Hill and died in a cart accident
- Samuel b. 1758, d. 1820 md. Rebecca Hill 1780
- William b. 1759, d. 1846 md. 10 Hannah Cutter 1783, 2) Lydia (Trask) Cutter 1818, widow of Jonathan Cutter above
- Susanna b. 1761, d. 1818 md. Thomas Whittemore 1783
- Francis b. 1763, d. 1807 md. Susanna Whittemore 1782
- Ezekiel b. 1764, d. 1850 md. 1) Abigail (Oakes) Stacy, 2) Margaret (Averill) Mitchell, 3) Sarah (Hewes) Holbrook
- Ebenezer b. 1766, d. 1824 md. 1) Abigail Bowman 1789, 2) Anna Frost 1805
- Abigail b. 1769, d. 1803 md. Samuel Cutter 1787
- Anne b. 1771, d. 1849 md. William Whittemore 1796
- Adam b. 1774, d. 1855 md. Sally Putnam ca. 1798
- Edward b. 1775, d. 1778
- Washington b. 1777, md. 1) Elizabeth Robbins 1800, 2) Anna Fillebrown 1823
- Ammi Ruhamah b. 1735, d. 1820, md. Hannah Treadwell 1748 - He was physician general of the eastern department, American Revolution
- Mary b. 1759, d. 1789 never married
- Hannah b. 1760, d. 1840 md. Daniel Rogers 1780
- Elizabeth b. 1762, d. 1788 md. Nathaniel Sherburne ca. 1779
- Charles b. 1763, drowned 1779
- Dorothy b. 1765, d. 1841 md. Clement Storer - no children
- Daniel b. 1766, d. 1832 - never married
- William b. 1769, d. 1817 - never married
- Jacob b. 1771, d. 1857 md. Miriam Cross 1798
- Nathaniel b. 1773, d. 1824 - never married
- Sarah Ann b. 1776, d. 1811 md. (--?--) Maine - no children
- William b. 1737, d. 1776 killed while cutting down a tree, md. Mehitable Gray
- Sarah (twin) b. 1760, d. 1843 md. John Davis 1760
- Jane (twin) b. 1760 md. 1) (--?--) Gage, 2) Elisha Gardner
- Phebe b. 1764, d. 1829 md. Ammi Ruhamah Mitchell 1785
- John b. 1767, d. 1844 md. 1) Elizabeth Loring 2) Nancy (Jones) Bearce
- Ammi b. 1770, d. 1825 md. Hannah Greely 1794
- Samuel b. 1772, d. 1776 age 4
- Levi b. 1774, d. 1856 md. 1) Lucretia Mitchell 1796, 2) Ruth (Kendall) Jenkins 1833
- William b. 1776, lost at sea 1815 md. 1) Rachel Mitchell, 2) Isabella Babson 1808
- Samuel b. 1738, d. 1834 md. Amelia Loring
- Ammi Rahamah b. 1765, d. 1766
- Ammi Ruhamah (2nd) b. 1766, d. 1830 md. Deborah Curtis 1792
- Elizabeth b. 1767, d. 1768
- Samuel b. 1768, d. 1843 md. 1) Sarah Prince 1794 2) Mary Buxton 1799
- William b. 1770 md. Lucy Elwell - no children
- Rachel b. 1771 md. Moses Merrill - no children
- Dorothy b. 1773, d. 1776 age 4
- John Loring b. 1774, d. 1796
- Elizabeth b. 1775, d. 1776
- Dorothy (2nd) b. 1776, d. 1788
- David b. between 1777 and 1782, died in infancy
- Charles b. 1783, d. 1827 md. Dorcas Thompson
- Elizabeth b. 1742, d. 1792 never married
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