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London, 1616 |
26 - Roman Inquisition demands that Galileo give up heliocentrismMarch
29 - Leap Day
5 - Copernicus' work banned by Catholic Church
14 - Thomas Tilden wrote his will in Kent, England:
In the name of God, Amen. The fourteenth day of March in the year of our Lord God, according to the computation of the Church of England, one thousand six hundred and sixteen.
I, Thomas Tylden, of the parish of Wye, in the County of Kent, being weak in body but of perfect remembrance (thanks being given to Almighty God therefor) do ordain and make this my last will and testament in the manner and form following:
First and principally, I do commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God, my Creator and only Saviour and Redeemer, through whose precious death and passion I hope to be saved, and to be numbered among the elect and chosen; and my body I commit to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my Executor, hereafter to be named.
Item: I give and bequeath, to the poor of this Parish of Wye, the sum of twenty shillings to be distributed at the discretion of my Executor within half a year after my decease.
Item: I do give and bequeath five pounds amongst poor ministers, to be distributed by my Executor to whom he shall think good.
Item: I do give and bequeath to my son Joseph all that debt due to me from James Thetcher of Willingdon in the County of Sussex.
Item: I will that Alice, my loving wife, shall have the use and occupation of all and singular my household stuff and moveable goods whatsoever, during her natural life, with liberty to give and dispose them, to all or any of my children during her life; and at her decease, to dispose of that shall remain, not given or worn out, to such of my children as shall then be living and not elsewhere; and if my wife shall not dispose them or any of them as aforesaid, them my will and meaning is that they remain to such of my children as shall be living at the time of her death.
Item: I do give and bequeath to my son Thomas Tylden five pounds, to be pounds, to be paid three years after my decease at the discretion of my Executor.
Item: I do ordain and make my son Joseph Tylden my sole Executor of this, my last will and testament.
And as concerning the disposing of all and singular the lands, and tenements, and hereditaments of me, the forenamed Thomas Tylden, scituate and being in the Counties of Sussex and Kent, or elsewhere in the Realm of England. I do hereby will and dispose them in manner and form following:
First my will and meaning is that Nathaniel, my son, his heirs and assigns shall forever, hold and enjoy one piece of fresh marsh land lying in the parish of East Guilford, in the county of Sussex, called by the name of Cowlees containing by estimation XXX acres according to the deed of feoffment therefore by made to the said Nathaniel.
Item: I do give and bequeath to the said Nathaniel, my son, and to his heirs forever, one piece of fresh marsh land, with the appurtenances, called or known by the name of five acres lying and being in the aforesaid parish of East Guilford together with a sufficient way, to carry, drive, or go to and for him, his heirs and assigns through one piece of land called the Upper Piece of the Lesser Spaniards in Guilford aforesaid.
Item: I do give and bequeath to my two sons Joseph and Hopestill Tylden and to their heirs and assigns forever the aforesaid piece or parcel of fresh marsh land with the appurtenances, called the Upper Piece of the lesser Spaniards, lying in Guilford, aforesaid, which containeth, by estimation, twenty acres.
Item: I do will, give and bequeath to Freegift Tylden, my son and to his heirs forever, if he shall live to accomplish the full age of one and twenty years, one piece or parcel of fresh marsh land, with the appurtenances, containing by estimation fifteen acres, lying in the aforesaid parish of East Guilford and called or known by the name of the nether piece of the lesser Spaniards, and abutting upon Cowlees aforesaid toward the south; and during his minority my will is that ten pounds yearly out of the said piece called the nether piece of the lesser Spaniards, shall be paid to Alice my wife toward the discharge of the jointure made by me to my said wife during her life, and the residue of the profits of the said piece of land shall be employed for and toward the bringing up on the said Freegift Tylden in learning.
Also, my will is that, whereas my wife has a jointure of twenty pounds a year to be paid her after my decease, my will is that the other ten pounds yearly during her life be paid out of the lands formerly willed and bequeathed to Joseph and Hopestill Tylden; and my will is that after the decease of Alice, my wife, that then the whole profits of the said piece of land called the nether lesser Spaniards, shall be employed for and toward the bringing up on of the said Freegift Tylden in learning.
And I do also will and give unto my said son Freegift, his heirs and assigns , one sufficient carrying way to carry, drive or go, in and to the said piece for fresh marsh lands called the nether piece of the said piece of the lesser Spaniards; and my will and meaning is that if my said son Freegift depart this life before he shall accomplish the said age of one and twenty years that then the aforesaid piece of fresh marsh land so as aforesaid to him given and bequeathed shall remain and be to my aforesaid sons Nathaniel and Hopestill Tylden, their heirs and assigns forever.
Item: I do will, give and bequeath unto my said son Freegift and to his heirs forever if he shall live and accomplish his said age of one and twenty years, all that my messuage or tenement, with the barn and other buildings thereunto belonging, with all the orchards, gardens and seven pieces or parcels of lands with the appurtenances, containing by estimation seventeen acres and now in the occupation of Widow Gylbert, or her assigns, situate, lying and being in the parish of Cranbrook upon the den of Ownden, in the aforesaid County of Kent, and during the minority of the said Freegift, my will and meaning is that the whole profit of the said messuage or tenement, and the lands last bequeathed, shall go and be employed [to] the bringing up said Freegift in learning as aforesaid; and my will and meaning is that if my said son Freegift shall depart this life before he shall accomplish his said age of one and twenty years, as aforesaid, that then the said messuage or tenement and lands so as aforesaid to him last bequeathed, shall remain to my foresaid son Joseph and to his heirs forever.
And further my will and meaning is that if my said wife shall happen to depart this life before my said son Freegift shall have accomplished his said age of one and twenty years, then my will and meaning is that my foresaid son Joseph Tilden his administrators shall, during the said minority of my son Freegift receive the profits of the said lands to him bequeathed and shall see him brought up to learning, allowing him therefor out of the said lands sufficient maintenance, and at the said age of one and twenty years, shall yield unto my said son Freegift a just and true account of the overplus and surplussage of the same according to the true intent and meaning of this my last will.
And my meaning and will is that Alice, my wife, during her life, shall have the letting and receiving of the profits of all of the lands given to my son Freegift, in such manner and form as is appointed to my son Joseph Tilden after my wife her decease.
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto subscribed my nae and set my seal the day and year aforesaid.
[Signed] Thomas Tilden
20 - Sir Walter Raleigh released from the Tower of London
23 - William Shakespeare died in London, England
1 - Elizabeth Lake wrote a will including Elizabeth, Sybil, Anne, Thomasine, John & Richard Lake and Andrew Paschall
4 - Elizabeth Lake buried in North Benfleet, England
12 - Anne Lathrop baptized Egerton, England daughter of John & Hannah (House) Lathrop
Elizabeth Scudder died Strood, England, 1 year old daughter of John & Elizabeth (Stoughton) Scudder
3 - Elizabeth Lake estate probated in Essex, England
13 - Elizabeth Scudder buried Strood, England, daughter of John & Elizabeth (Stoughton) Scudder
14 - William Skinner wrote his will:
NovemberWilliam Skinner of Braintree (Essex) yeoman, 14 August 1616, proved 26 - 7 - 1616. The poor of Braintree twenty six shillings eight pence. To wife Margery my freehold lands, messuages, tenements, shops &c. in Braintree for life; afterwards to second son John. To John copyhold lands &c. in Braintree, he to secure his mother the rent it now goeth for &c. To John twenty pounds and to his son John, my grandson (silver). To eldest son William one hundred and sixty pounds. To his daughters Rebecca and Frances Skinner (silver) and thirty pounds apiece at eighteen years of age, and to his son Richard forty pounds. To my youngest son Richard (inter alia) my book of my brother Allyn's works. To john and Mary Skinner children of said son Richard (household stuff). To son Richard ten pounds for use and benefit of Mary, Ellyn and Richard his children, at ages of eighteen. to eldest daughter An, wife of Moyses Wall, forty pounds. To John Taylcoate, Sara Taylcoate and Rachell Taylcoate, Moyses Wall, Lidia Wall and Mary Wall, the children of my said daughter An, five marks apiece, to be paid to the said Moyses Wall my son in law to their use, &c. To my son in law Moyses Wall ten pounds to be employed about a building which he did intend to do within the house wherein he now dwelleth. To Sara Taylcoatemy bible. To John Gill my son in law twenty pounds to the use of Mary Gill and An Gill children of my daughter Margery. To my said daughter Margery Gill two silver spoons. To my son in law Edmund Allstonne ten pounds. To Rachell Skinner my daughter, the wife of Edmund Allstonne (household stuff). To my brother Allin "my new hatt turft wth velvett." To Mr. Collen ten pounds for a sermon to be preached at my burial. To Edmund, Rachel and Mary Allstone children of my said daughter Rachel five marks apiece. To my said duaghter Rachel my book of Mr. Perkin's works after wife's decease. Susan wife of Joseph Man and her daughter Susan. Godson William Skinner son of William Skinner of Bocking. Godson William Winterflood. Godson William Skinner son of Martin Skinner. Cousin Martin Skinner. To Mr. Daniel Rogers ten shillings. To Cousin Richard Barnard ten shillings. Wife Margery to be executrix and firends Martin Skynner, son in law Moyses Wall and Edmund Alstone, and Richard Barnard to be supervisors.
Com. Court of London for Essex and Herts.
Unnumbered will File for 1616.
7 - William Goodwin md. Elizabeth White in Shalford, England
Sometime in 1616
Sarah Loomis born ca. 1616 in England, daughter of Joseph & Mary (White) Loomis
Joseph Loomis born ca. 1616 in England, son of Joseph & Mary (White) Loomis
Margaret Reade md. John Lake ca. 1616 in Essex, England
Agnes (Carpenter) Fuller died ca. 1616
Thomas Southworth born in Holland son of Edward & Alice (Carpenter) Southworth
Raedegon Clapp born Sidbury, England
William Hallett born Dorset, England
Daniel Peck born, son of Robert & Anne (Lawrence) Peck
Daniel Peck died, son of Robert & Anne (Lawrence) Peck
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