Quest. What is Observance?
Answ. Observance is the second part of Religion, and stands in performance of duty to God, by obeying his Law, which is a Platform of acting for God, and he hath made it known to us for that end.
1. Observance is a second part of Religion.
1. It is a part of Religion, without which Religion is vain.2. It stands in performance of duty to God, as God is our Creator, Redeemer, and Comforter, Math. 28.20.
2. And a second part performed by Faith, Gal. 2.19,20.
3. This performance of duty is by obeying his Law, Mic. 6.8.
4. This Law of God is the Platform of well acting, and acting for God, Psal. 19.7, Psal. 118.15.
5. Hence made known for this end.
1. The first Edition of this was in the heart of man at first, a fair inscription of it upon man at first, he being made according to the Image of God in holiness and righteousness, Gen. 1.26, Eccles. 7.29.
2. Some reliques of it in fallen man, so much as may testifie that man was made to be Religious, Rom. 2.14,15, hence Consolence witnessing in respect of God, and a Judge in respect of man.
3. The Law was renewed to the Church of the Jews by a lively voice, Exod. 20 and becomes useful.