Saturday, April 25, 2015

April 25th - Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist

Feast Day in honor of the author of the second gospel. According to church legend he was baptized and taught by St. Peter.  Mark accompanied Peter to Rome and it was there that he wrote his gospel for the Roman converts.He later became the Bishop of Alexandria, Egypt where he was most likely martyred. 

April 25th was also the Major Rogation Day.  Rogation is derived from the Latin word rogare - to ask. These are days of reparation and penance.  No meat would be eaten. There were four rogation days throughout the year during which parishioners were to march around the parish boundaries, blessing every tree and stone while chanting a litany of mercy. The Litany of the Saints was most generally used:

Lord, have mercy on us. - Lord have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us. - Christ have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. - Lord, have mercy on us
Christ, hear us. - Christ, graciously hear us.

God, the Father of heaven, - have mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, - have mercy on us
God the Holy Spirit, - have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, one God, - have mercy on us

Holy Mary, - pray for us
Holym Mother of God, - pray for us
Holy Virgin of virgins - pray for us
St. Michael - pray for us
St. Gabriel - pray for us
St. Raphael - pray for us
All you Holy Angels & Archangels - pray for us
St. John the Baptist - pray for us
St. Joseph - pray for us
All you Holy Patriarchs & Prophets - pray for us

St. Peter - pray for us
St. Paul - pray for us
St. Andrew - pray for us
St. James - pray for us
St. John - pray for us
St. Thomas - pray for us
St. James - pray for us
St. Philip - pray for us
St. Bartholomew - pray for us
St. Matthew - pray for us
St. Simon - pray for us
St. Jude - pray for us
St. Matthias - pray for us
St. Barnabas - pray for us
St. Luke - pray for us
St. Mark - pray for us
All you holy Apostles & Evangelists - pray for us
All you holy Disciples of the Lord - pray for us
All you holy Innocents - pray for us

St. Stephen - pray for us
St. Lawrence - pray for us
St. Vincent - pray for us
Sts. Fabian & Sebastian - pray for us
Sts. Cosmas & Damian - pray for us
All you holy Martyrs - pray for us

St. Sylvester - pray for us
St. Gregory - pray for us
St. Ambrose - pray for us
St. Augustine - pray for us
St. Jerome - pray for us
St. Martin - pray for us
St. Nicholas - pray for us
All you holy Bishops & Confessors - pray for us
All you holy Doctors - pray for us

St. Anthony - pray for us
St. Benedict - pray for us
St. Bernard - pray for us
St. Dominic - pray for us
St. Francis - pray for us
All you holy Priests & Levites - pray for us
All you holy Monks & Hermits - pray for us

St. Mary Magdalene - pray for us
St. Agatha - pray for us
St. Lucy - pray for us
St. Agnes - pray for us
St. Cecilia - pray for us
St. Anastasia - pray for us
St. Catherine - pray for us
St. Clare - pray for us
All you holy Virgins & Widows - pray for us
All you holy Saints of God - pray for us

Lord, be merciful - Lord, save your people
From all evil - Lord, save your people 
From all sin - Lord, save your people 
From our wrath - Lord, save your people 
From a sudden and unprovided death - Lord, save your people 
From the snares of the devil - Lord, save your people 
From anger, hatred and ill-will - Lord, save your people 
From the spirit of uncleanness - Lord, save your people
From the lightning and tempest - Lord, save your people 
From the scourge of earthquake - Lord, save your people 
From plague, famine and war - Lord, save your people 
From everlasting death - Lord, save your people 

By the mystery of your holy Incarnation - Lord, save your people 
By your Coming - Lord, save your people 
By your Birth - Lord, save your people 
By your Baptism and holy fasting- Lord, save your people 
By your Cross and Passion - Lord, save your people 
By your Death and Burial - Lord, save your people 
By your holy Resurrection - Lord, save your people 
By your wonderful Ascension - Lord, save your people 
By the coming of the Holy Spirit -Lord, save your people 
On the day of judgment - Lord, save your people 

Be merciful to us sinners - Lord, hear our prayer.
That you will spare us - Lord, hear our prayer. 
That you will pardon us - Lord, hear our prayer. 
That it may please you to bring us to true penance - Lord, hear our prayer. 
Guide and protect your holy Church - Lord, hear our prayer. 
Preserve in holy religion the Pope, and all those in holy Orders - Lord, hear our prayer. 
Humble the enemies of holy Church - Lord, hear our prayer. 
Give peace and unity to the whole Christian people - Lord, hear our prayer. 
Bring back to the unity of the Church all those who are straying and bring all unbelievers to the light of the Gospel - Lord, hear our prayer. 
Strengthen and preserve us in your holy service - Lord, hear our prayer. 
Raise our minds to desire the things of heaven - Lord, hear our prayer. 
Reward all our benefactors with eternal blessings - Lord, hear our prayer. 
Deliver our souls from eternal damnation, and the souls of our brethren, relatives and benefactors - Lord, hear our prayer. 
Give and preserve the fruits of the earth - Lord, hear our prayer. 
Grant eternal rest to all the faithful departed - Lord, hear our prayer. 
That it may please You to hear and heed us, Jesus, Son of the Living God - Lord, hear our prayer. 

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world - Spare us, O Lord!              
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world - Graciously hear us, O Lord!
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world - Have mercy on us.

Christ hear us - Christ, graciously hear us
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer - Lord, hear our prayers
Lord, have mercy on us - Lord, have mercy on us
Christ, have mercy on us - Christ, have mercy on us
Lord, have mercy on us - Lord, have mercy on us

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