Friday, December 6, 2013

The Mayflower - December 6th, 1620

. . . the 6th of December they sent out their shallop again with 10 of their principle men and some seamen upon further discovery, intending to circulate that deep bay of Cape Cod.  The weather was very cold and it froze so hard as the spray of the sea alighting on their coats, they were as if they had been glazed; yet that night betimes they got down into the bottom of the bay and as they drew near the shore they saw some 10 or 12 Indians very busy about something.  They landed about a league or 2 from them and had much a do to put ashore anywhere, it lay so full of flats.  Being landed, it grew late, and they made themselves a barricade with logs and boughs as well as they could in the time and set out their sentinel and betook them to rest and saw the smoke of the fire the savages made that night.

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