Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Research Log - Residence Chart

Mom shared this Pedigree Chart with Movement with me yesterday and I've been working to create one for my lines in Excel. 

I ended up splitting it into four charts that cover up to 8 generations which gets me back to the immigrant ancestor and they are huge! Or when resized, so small you can't read them.  Yes, I am technologically challenged!

So here is my attempt at a simpler representation of the Lathrop line.  The "first" residence in the line is the last place the person lived.  

Gen 1- (me) - Kentucky - North Carolina - Kansas - Missouri - Illinois 
Gen. 2 to Gen. 4 Illinois -> Wayne Co. - Lawrence Co. 
Gen. 5 & 6- Illinois - Indiana - Vermont 
Gen. 7 - Canada - Vermont 
Gen. 8 & 9  Connecticut 
Gen. 9 - Connecticut - Massachusetts 
Gen. 9 - Massachusetts 

Gen. 10 - Connecticut 
Gen. 10 - Massachusetts - England 
Gen. 10 - Massachusetts 
Gen. 11 - Connecticut - Massachusetts - England 
Gen. 11 - Connecticut - England
Gen. 11 - Connecticut
Gen. 11 - Massachusetts - England
Gen. 11 - England
Gen. 12 - Massachusetts - England
Gen. 12 - England
Gen. 12 - Connecticut - England

Powell/Janes Line: 
Gen 1- (me) - Kentucky - North Carolina - Kansas - Missouri - Illinois 
Gen. 2 to Gen. 4 Illinois - Wayne Co. - Lawrence Co. 
Gen. 5 - Illinois - Indiana - Vermont
Gen. 6 - Illinois - Indiana - Vermont
Gen. 7 -  Vermont - Connecticut
Gen. 7 - Vermont - Massachusetts
Gen. 8 - Vermont - Connecticut
Gen. 8 - Massachusetts - Connecticut
Gen. 8 - Connecticut - Massachusetts
Gen. 9 - Connecticut
Gen. 9 - Connecticut - Massachusetts
Gen. 9 - Massachusetts - Connecticut - Massachusetts
Gen. 10 - Connecticut - Massachusetts
Gen. 10 - Connecticut
Gen. 10 - Connecticut - Massachusetts - Connecticut
Gen. 10 - Massachusetts
Gen. 10 - Connecticut - England
Gen. 11 - Connecticut - Massachusetts -England
Gen. 11 - Massachusetts
Gen. 11 - Connecticut
Gen. 11 - Massachusetts - England
Gen. 11 - Massachusetts - Connecticut - England
Gen. 11 - Connecticut - England
Gen. 11 - Massachusetts - England - Holland - England
Gen. 11 - England
Gen. 12 - Massachusetts - England
Gen. 12 - Massachusetts - Connecticut - England
Gen. 12 - Connecticut
Gen. 12 - Connecticut - Massachusetts - England
Gen. 12 - Connecticut - England
Gen. 12 - England
Gen. 12 - Holland - England
Gen. 12 - England - Massachusetts - England 

Draper Line:
Gen 1- (me) - Kentucky - North Carolina - Kansas - Missouri - Illinois 
Gen. 2 to Gen. 4 Illinois - Wayne Co. - Lawrence Co. 
Gen. 5 - Illinois - Indiana
Gen. 6 - Indiana - Virginia
Gen. 6 - Indiana - Virginia - Pennsylvania
Gen. 7 - Virginia
Gen. 7 - Indiana - Pennsylvania - New Jersey
Gen. 7 - Indiana - Pennsylvania

Dove/Hunt Line:
Gen 1- (me) - Kentucky - North Carolina - Kansas - Missouri - Illinois 
Gen. 2 to Gen. 4 Illinois - Wayne Co. - Lawrence Co. 
Gen. 5 - Illinois - Minnesota - Indiana - Kentucky
Gen. 5 - Illinois - Indiana
Gen. 6 - Illinois - Kentucky - Virginia
Gen. 6. - Kentucky - Virginia
Gen. 6 - Indiana - Kentucky
Gen. 7 - Kentucky - Virginia
Gen. 7 - Kentucky - North Carolina
Gen. 7 - Kentucky - Tennessee - Virginia
Gen. 7 - Indiana -  Kentucky - Tennessee - Virginia
Gen. 8 - North Carolina - Kentucky
Gen. 8 - North Carolina
Gen. 8 - Kentucky - Virginia - Maryland
Gen. 8 - Kentucky - Virginia
Gen. 8 - Kentucky - Tennessee - Virginia - New York
Gen. 8 - Tennessee - Virginia - New York
Gen. 9 - North Carolina - Virginia
Gen. 9 - Maryland - Virginia
Gen. 9 - Maryland
Gen. 9 - Virginia
Gen. 9 - Virginia - New York
Gen. 10 - Virginia
Gen. 10 - North Carolina - Virginia
Gen. 10 - New York

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