Born: 1745 Orange County, Virginia
Died: March 21, 1836 Gibson County, Indiana
Buried: Unknown
1) unknown in Virginia ca. 1765
2) Catherine Jane Bruce, November 14, 1787 in Orange County, Virginia
Marriage record: 14 November 1787. Stephen Fitzgerrell and Catherine Bruce. Surety William Fitzgerrell. Wit. Jacob Ahart, Stephen, son of James Fitzgerrell.
Occupation: Farmer
1779 - 1780 - served with the Virginia line as a teamster for one year. Enlisted in
Staunton, Augusta Co., VA.
1782 - Orange Co., VA land tax book, 100 acres
1790 - not found on census, probably living in Virginia
1800 - not found on census
1801 - Franklin Co., KY - a James Fitzgerald on tax list, possibly our James as his brother settled in Franklin Co.
1810 - not found on census, probably living in Indiana
1812 - Montgomery Twp., Gibson Co., IN - About 1812 other settlers began to pour into the township, among them being Charles Jones, Sr., James Fitzgerald . . .
1818 - James purchased 160 acres, SE 1/4, Sec. 23, T3S, R11W in Johnson Township, Gibson County, Indiana just west of Fort Branch.
1820 - Gibson Co., IN - listed as James Fitz Jerral, age 75. He is living with Jane and probably a son and daughter-in-law. It may be Reuben and his wife. His son Johnson is living in the next household.
1830 - Gibson Co., IN - listed as James FitzGerald. He is 85 years old and living with Jane and
1832 - July 27 - Franklin Co., KY - deposition of James' brother Daniel Fitzgerald declares James Fitzgerald of Gibson Co., Ind., enlisted in Stantown, Augusta Co., Va., in June or July 1779 under Capt. James Finley for one year. At the time he enlisted the captain promised him a suit of clothes and some land.
1835 - August 10 - Gibson Co., IN - James Fitzgerault / Fitz Jarrell depositions regarding his American Revolutionary service in Virginia.
James Fitzgerault (signed Fitz Jarrell) of said county, aged between 85 and 90, declares at Staunton, Augusta Co., Va., in June or July 1779 or 1780 he enlisted under Capt. James Findley for one year. He was employed immediately in driving a team and wagon until he was discharged at the end of the year. From Staunton he went with Capt. Findley's company to Alexandria, Baltimore and then by the Brandywine battle ground to Philadelphia, staying at each of those places but a very short time. From Philadelphia the company went to New Brunswick, arriving in the fall. He was there actively employed with a team and wagon until the weather became cold, when many of the troops at that place with Capt. Findley's company were sent on to Lancaster Pa., to winter quarters.
Most of the government wagons were left at New Brunswick but many of the horses were moved with the troops to Lancaster. He assisted in taking the horses there.
At the breaking up of winter in the latter part of February his company with some other troops went to Philadelphia, where he was employed with a team and wagon until the end lf the year for which he entered the Army. He was discharged in Market Street by Capt. Findley. He had very little intercourse with his company and never mustered with them.
At Philadelphia he knew William Lusk who was called General, who had much to do in directing the wagoners. On the route from New Brunswick to Lancaster he saw Gen. Washington. Col.Armstrong was active in starting the troops and horses from New Brunswich to Lancaster. While Capt. Findley was recruiting at Staunton he saw Col. Smith, Col. Sampson Matthews.
He was born in Orange Co., Va., but in what year he cannot say. He has no record of his age, nor does he think any is in existence. A few years after the war he moved to Kentucky from whence in the spring of 1811 he moved to Gibson Co., Ind.
1835 - August 10 - Gibson Co., Ind. William Howe declares in Kentucky he was acquainted with the brother of J.S. Fitzgerald whose name was Daniel, and his sister.
1853 - June 30 - Gibson Co., Ind. Johnson Fitz Jearald, son and heir of James FitzGerald, gives power of attorney to secure pension.
1853 - June 30 - William Reaves writes from Princeton (Ind.) that James FitzGerald died 21 March 1836 and left a widow who died 13 Sept 1838. She was married in Albemarle or Orange Co. Va. John Fitz Gerald is one of the heirs.
James b. ca. 1777, d. 1865 md. Elizabeth Ray 1818
- Michael
- James
- William d. before 1860
- John b. 1819 md. Nancy Chism, children: Mary, Elizabeth, Jane, Louis, James & Patsy
- Mary md. William Chism
- Martha md. William Simpson
- Eliza md. Hiram Barker
- Daniel
- Esther md. J.R. Knowles
John B. b. ca. 1798 md. Emily Harris, 1809
Johnson b. 1793, d. 1866 md. 1) Margaret Eyers 1812 & 2) Willie Ann (Smith) Alsop 1846
- America md. (--?--) Bullard
- Eliza b. 1816, d. 1897 md. Green Montgomery 1831, children: James, John, William, Thomas, Willis, Richard, Parmelia, Victoria, Martha, Nora
- Rachel md. (--?--) McCumber
- Mary Matilda md. Augustus Bullard
- Amanda md. (--?--) Perkins
- Unnamed b. b/t 1794-1804
- Unnamed b. b/t 1794-1804
- Unnamed b. b/t 1810-1820
- Sarah b. 1838 md. W.H. Lance
- William b. 1840
- Mary Jane Alsop b. 1844, d. 1916 stepdaughter md. Richard Montgomery see above, children: Martha, Lorenzo, Emma, Pearl, Justus, Jesse, John, Grace
Frances b. ca. 1795
Mary b. ca. 1796
Nancy b. ca. 1798
Sarah b. ca. 1799
Stephen b. ca. 1809
Revised 12/29/2022
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