Born: Aug. 1, 1755 in Virginia, probably Caroline County
Died: Aug. 26, 1883 in Hamilton County, Illinois
Buried: Ten Mile Cemetery, Hamilton Co., IL
Married: 1) Margaret aka Peggy (--?--) ca. 1782; 2) Mary Purdy, Feb. 19, 1801 in Logan Co., KY
Occupation: farmer, magistrate, justice of the peace
Military: Ambrose Maulding is an American Revolution patriot for his service in Tennessee and Kentucky along on the Red River and at Maulding's Station. You can join either the Daughters or Sons of the American Revolution on his record as appropriate.
1775 - March 1. Ambrose, his brothers and father signed the 1775 Petition of the Inhabitants of Washington District in Tennessee requesting to be made a new county in North Carolina with full representation in government. According to the petition the territory was obtained by treaty with the Cherokee and was located along the Holston River. There were 1500 inhabitants at the time of the petition.
1780 - Ambrose accompanied his parents and family to the Red River in western Kentucky where they built Maulding's Station also known as the Red River Station. The station was broken up by Indians in 1782. The family came back and made permanent settlement in 1783 or 1784.
1782 - Ambrose was at Kilgore's Station in Robertson Co., Tennessee when Indians stole horses and other items from travelers and settlers. He and other men went in pursuit of the Indians overtaking them on Peyton's Creek. "The whites opened fire, killing one of the band and retaking all the horses. On their return, and while they were encamped for the night, the Indians made a circuit and lay in ambush at a point in the road between them and the fort. As the whites were going on toward home the next morning the savages poured into their ranks a deadly fire, killing Josiah Hoskins and one of the Masons. The bodies of these were carried to the fort and buried nearby. The settlers at Kilgore's now became so much alarmed that they moved to the Bluff, thus breaking up their station."
1784 - Jan. 6 Ambrose appeared at the Court of Pleas and Common Sessions where he was part of the militia formed.
1786 - Aug. - Revolutionary warrant no. 3375. Joseph Roberts, private in NC Continental Line, 228 acres, issued 7 Jan. 1786. John Roberts assigned it to Ambrose Moulder in Aug. 1786, in the presence of John Pown. Moulder assigned it to Edwin Hickman and Hickman in turn transferred it to Garner Boone in March 1790, with T.C. Mountflorence a witness.
1786 - October 9 - Revolutionary warrant No. 3500 Balitha Anderson, private in NC Continental Line granted 640 acres on 8 Feb. 178(?). 6 June 1786 Anderson assigned land to Thomas Hickman who assigned it to Ambrose Maulding on 9 Oct. 1786.
1789 - Living on the road from Russellville to Adairville, Kentucky. Paid taxes in Sumner Co., TN for 1 poll, 1242 acres £1.12s.5d.
1790 - Oct. 21 - Signed a petition of Lincoln County, VA [state of Kentucky] residents for the creation of a county in the vicinity of modern Logan County, Kentucky. His father James and brother West also signed the petition.
Number 74 - To the Honourable the General Assembly of the State of Virginia.
The Petition of the Inhabitants of Lincoln County residing on reserved Lands for the officers and Soldiers of the State aforesaid on the Waters of Cumberland River and Parts adjacent doth Respectfully shew. --
That your Petitioners find themselves sensibly agrrieved by their distance from Courts of Justice, it being near two hundred miles from this Settlement to Lincoln Court House, by which, when Business renders our attendance indispensably necessary, we are frequently exposed to much Danger in Travelling, through an uninhabited Country; being subjected to Fines, and other Inconveniances, when from High Waters, Enemies near our Frontiers; or other Causes it is Impossible to attend. --
We therefore most humbly Pray the General Assembly, to grant a County to be laid off including these settlements in the reserved Land for the officers and soldiers, on the south of Green River, and to the Coloney Line, thence to the Ohio, and your Petitioners as in Duty bound will ever Pray &c. --
Endorsement on back of petition: 21st Oct. 1790 - Refd. to Props. Reasonable - (repd.)1791 - Paid taxes in Sumner Co., Tennessee 1 poll, £15.1s.10 2/4d.
1792 - September 25 served as magistrate in the first Logan County, Kentucky court.
1793 - May 20 Grant No. 2062 to Thomas Davenport, a private, assigned to Ambrose Maulden, Warrant No. 3459 for 274 acres along the Red River.
State of North Carolina, No. 2062 Know ye that we have granted unto Amborse Mauldin assign of Thomas Davenport a private in the Continental line of said State two hundred and seventy four acres of Land in our County of Sumner on Red River, Beginning at a White Oak on Richard Cantal's (?) line runs West seventy poles to a White Oak Jos. Kykendalls line, then North sixty five degrees West thirty two poles to a White Oak corner to Kykendalls then East with his line on hundred and sixty four poles to a White Oak corner to said Kykendoll North twenty seven degrees West two hundred and six poles to a post Oak then on the same line then East two hundred and ten poles to a Stake, then South two hundred and ten poles to a STake then West three hundred and thirty one poles to the beginning. To hold to the said Ambrose Maulden his heirs and assigns forever, dated 20th May 1793. Rich. C. Dobbs Spaight, J. Glasgow Secretary1794 - Oct. 5 mentioned as Major Malden in the American Intelligence newspaper as helping track Indians who had attacked the Titsworth family killing seven and taking five captives along the Red River in Tennessee.
1794 - Nov. Ambrose "of Logan County" bought 100 acres in Logan County, KY from William Roberts of Shelby Co., KY for £20. the land located on a branch of Red River.
1794 - Nov. 27 - Ambrose & his brother Richard bought 542 acres in Logan Co. from John Montgomery for £100, land on Little Whippoorwill.
1795 - Jan. Ambrose witnessed a deed between Barbary Aker & John Huffstter in Logan Co., KY
1796 - sold 74 acres to Michael Cavitt and 200 acres to Alex Witherspoon in Sumner Co., TN. He is listed as "of Logan County, Kentucky" in the deeds.
1797 - Nov. 25 Ambrose purchased 187 acres in Logan Co. from Joseph Roberts of Culpeper Co., VA for £57 on the waters of Muddy River
1799 - Revolution warrant No. 4428. Heirs of Walter Dickson, private in the NC Continental LIne, 640 acres within the limits of land reserved for officers and soldiers of the Continental Line; issued 22 Dec. 1796. On the back of this warrant it states that on 3 Sept. 1797, John Wright Jr., attorney and administrator of Robert Webb transferred the warrant to James Roney (Boney/Rooney?). In Nov. 1797, Roney transferred the warrant to Ambrose Mauldin, who in Nov. 1799, made it over to Joshua Cate; later assigned to John Gwinn.
1800 - North Carolina - military warrants issued by the Secretary of State between June 3 and December 19, 1800 - Ambrus Mouldin, listed. [Whitley, Edythe. Tennessee Genealogical Records, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1980]
1801 - sold 500 acres in Sumner Co., TN to James Roaney.
1802 - sold 140 acres in Sumner Co., TN to Isaac Stalcup.
1804 - March - Muhlenberg Co., KY Circuit Court - Ambrose Maulding served on jury
1808 - moved his family to Christian County, Kentucky
1810 - Henderson Co., KY census Ambrose Maulding living with Mary and seven children. This is the section of Henderson that became Union County in 1811.
1813 - living in Union County, Kentucky
1815 - settled on Hogg Prairie in section 13 west of present day McLeansboro and north of Ten Mile Church
1817 - purchased land in what became Hamilton County at Shawneetown Land Office. E1/2, NE1/4, Section 3, Township 5
Voss, Veronica. "Reflections from the Past," McLeansboro Times-Leader, Oct. 9, 1980
The year was 1768, and a terrible meteor shower visited the United States and several areas were hit by it's devastating impact. One of these areas was hit by what is now known as Hamilton County, Illinois. Flaming boulders of white hot silicon-like rock pelted the land which was later called "the Maulding Settlement" (west of McLeansboro).
The land was given to Colonel Ambrose Maulding in appreciation for his services in the Revolutionary War, by the United States Government, and he acquired title to the land from the Land Commissioners Office in Shawneetown, August 11, 1817. He apportioned large tracts of land to his children, and other relatives when they came to Hamilton County from Virginia in 1815. One of these land tracts was given to his daughter Mourning, who married Captain John Anderson from Tennessee. About 100 acres of this tract is owned by the City of McLeansboro today, and is set aside as the Reservoir Park. The dam at the eastern edge of the Reservoir Lake was constructed of rock from McGilley's Quarry, operated by James McGilley, brother-in-law to Captain Anderson. Mr. McGilley made a good living selling the rock to the early settlers of the county, who used them for fourndations and cellar walls for their homes. They also used them for "well liners" in the cistern water supplies, and are evidenced today in most of the old farm wells of our county.
[Not sure how much of this is true, as the land was paid for by Ambrose and not part of a military grant.]1817, Aug. 6 - Ambrose applied to keep land he was squatting on in Hamilton County, 160 acres, T5, R5, Sec. 13 NE
1819, March 23 - Ambrose applied to keep land he was squatting on in Hamilton County, 160 acres, T5, R5, Sec. 13, SE
1820 - White Co. IL census Ambrose Malden living with Mary and nine children. This is the part of White County that became Hamilton County.
1821 - Ambrose and his siblings named in Caroline County, Virginia court case Maulding et al vs. Tyler et al settlement of Tyler family estate.
1830 - Hamilton Co. IL census Ambrose Maulden living with Mary and six children.
1831 - April 5 Ambrose wrote his will:
In the name of God, Amen
I Ambros Maulding of Hamilton County in the state of Illinois considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound mind thanks be to God for the same do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form as follows (towit)
First I give unto my three daughters Isabella Maulding, Sary Maulding & Rashil Maulding one horse saddle bridle cow and calf and one bead and furniture each so soon as they become of age or marry.
Also I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Mary Maulding the remainder of all my personal estate what ever except one sorrel filley mare which I give and bequeath to my son Laban Maulding.
Also I give and bequeath to my said wife, the tract of land where on I now dwell it being the East half of the North east quarter Section Thirteen Township five South of Range five East containing eighty acres during her life or widow hood and after her death or marriage I give and bequeath the above named tract of Land to my two sons Alexander Maulding and Laban Maulding to be equally divided between them to have and to hold with appurtences.
Lastly, I give and bequeath to my said wife all my right title and claim to my black man Anthony during her life or widowhood. In case my said wife should decease or marry before my black mans time of service expires I give and bequeath the residue of his service to my son and daughter Laban Maulding & Rachel Maulding, I do hereby appoint Ennis Maulding my son and Otho Davenport executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all others made by me. In witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 5th day of April 1831.
S/S Ambrose Maulding (seal)
S/S John Davenport
S/S Otho Davenport1833 - September 12 - State of Illinois, Hamilton County
This day came John Davenport one of the Subscribing witnesses to the within will before me Jesse C. Lockwood Judge of the Court of Probate and after being duly Sworn according to law deposed and says that he signed the within Will as a Witness at the request of the deceased and that he saw the said deceased sign the will and that he believes the Testator at the time of Signing the will was of Sound mind & memory.
Given Under My Hand at McLeansborough this 12th day of September 1833, Judge Jesse C. Lockwood, Judge of Probate1833 - September 21 - State of Illinois, Hamilton County
This day came Otho Davenport one of the Subscribing witnesses to the within will before me Jesse C. Lockwood, Judge of Probate of said county & after being duly sworn according to Law deposed & says that he signed the within will as a witness at the request of the deceased and that he saw the said deceased sign the will and that he believed the Testator at the time of Signing the will [was] of sound mind & memory.
Given Under my hand at McLeansborough this 21 day of September 1833, Jesse C. Lockwood, Judge of Probate1833 - October 15 - Hamilton Co., IL - Box 1, Division B File 10 Probate of Ambrose Maulding Estate. Mary Maulding & Wm. Maulding Admrs. R.Oglesby, James Allen Security, Bond $500.
Know all men by these presents that we Mary Maulding & William Maulding, James Allen & Reuben Oglesby of the county of Hamilton & State of Illinois are held & firmly Bound unto the people of the State of Illinois in the ---- sum of Five hundred Dollars current money of the ---- state which payment will & truly to be made & performed we & each of us Bind ourselves, our heirs, receptors & administrators ---- & severally & ----- by these presents ---- our hand & Seal this 15th day of October 1833.
The condition of the above obligation is such that if the above Bound Mary Maulding & William Maulding appointed Executors or administrators of the Last will & Testament of Ambrose Maulding deceased in the place of Ennis Maulding & Otho Davenport --- appointed in the will & refuse to except [accept] of the executorship &c. with the will annexed &c. Do make or cause to be made a true & perfect Inventory of all & sundry the Good & chattles, rights & credits Land & Tennants & hereditements & the ---- & profits If any out of the Same of the said deceased which have come to the hand possession or knowledge of the said Mary Maulding & William Maulding or into the possession of any other person for them & the same so made do exhibit to the court of Probate for said County of Hamilton as required by Law and also make & render a fair & Just account of their acting & doing as Such Executors or administration to said court when thereunto lawfully required & to ---- & Truly fulfil the duties ---- --- on them in fair wise & shall moreover pay & deliver to the persons entitled thereunto all the legacies & bequests contained in said will so far as the estate of the said Testator will thereunto Extend according to the value thereof & as the Law shall charge them & shall in General do all other acts which may pass --- to them be required of them by Law Theirs this obligation to be void or else to ---- ---- --- force & virtues.
Mary her X mark Maulding {Seal}, William Maulding {Seal}, R. Oglesby {Seal}, James Allen {Seal}
Taken & acknowledged before me the day & year above entered J. C. Lockwood Judge of Probate of H.Co., Ill.1833 - Oct. 15 - Warrant for Appraising the Property of A. Maulding, deceased - State of Illinois, Hamilton County - The people of the State of Illinois Illinois. To Millingto Easely, Nathan Williams & [a name crossed out] John Daily [written above name crossed out] of the County of Hamilton & State of Illinois.
Greeting: This is to Authorise you Jointly to Appraise the Goods and Chattles & personal estate of Ambrose Maulding deceased so far as the same shall come to your sight & knowledge each of you having first taken the oath for affirmation hereunto annexed to an appraisment Bill of said Good &c. you re to set down in a collum or collums oposite to each article appraised the value thereof.
Witness Jesse C. Lockwood, Judge of Probate for the county of Hamilton & State of Illinois this private seal no public seal being provided of my office in McLeansborough this 15th day of October AD 1833. Jesse C. Lockwood Judge of Probate.1833 - November 2 - State of Illinois, Hamilton County.
You & each of you do solemnly swear that you will well & truly without partiality or prejudice & ----- & appraise the Good chattles & personal estate of Ambrose Maulding deceased so far as the same shall come to your Sight & knowledge & that you will in all respects perform your duty as appraisers to the best of your skill & judgment.
Nathaniel Williams, John Daily, Millington Easley
Sworn to & Subscribed unto me this 2 day of November 1833, J.C. Lockwood1833 - November 2 - Hamilton Co., IL - Inventory of Ambrose Maulding's estate:
We the undersigned ---- appointed Value the Estate of Ambrose Maulding deceased Do make the following return, to wit,
- 1 Brown Hors[e] $40.00
- 1 mar[e] and colt $55.00
- 1 2 year old colt $40.00
- 1 sorrell mar[e] $62. 26 or $62.36
- 3 hed of young cattel $11.00
- 12 hed of sheep $24.00
- 1 cow $7.00
- 1 2 year old heffer $6.00
- 1 cow and calf $8.00
- 1 cow and calf $8.00
- 3 hed of young cattel $6.00
- 1 lot of hogs $24.??
- 1 clock $13.40
- 1 Tabel $18.00
- 1 Candel Stand $7.00
- 1 Set of Cha[i]rs $1.00
- 1 Set of Cha[i]rs $1.50
- 1 small Desk $1.75
- 1 trunk $1.25
- 1 Bed and sted and furnature $25.00
- 1 Bed and sted and furnature $22.12
- 1 Bed and sted and furnature $20.00
- 1 Bed and sted and furnture $20.00
- Tabel furnature $10.00
- 1 looking glass $1.00
- 2 whe[e]ls & tabel $2.75
- Stretcher furnature $10.50
- 1 loom $3.00
- Farming tools $10.50
- 2 Saddels $17.00
- 1 Saddel $6.50
- 1 waggon $40
- 1 yoak of steers $28.50
- 1 yearling one stopel (?) $1.50 or 10.50
We do hereby testify that this is a true coppy of the valuation of the property of Ambros Maulding Deecased this the 2 Day of November 1833 [signed] Millington Easley, John Daily, Nathaniel his + mark WilliamsChildren by Peggy (--?--):
Mourning b. 1784, d. 1846 md. John Anderson 1806 in Logan Co., KY
- Pernelia b. 1807, d. 1887 md. Lorenzo Rathbone, July 20, 1824, children: Celia, Edward, Mary, John, Eliza, Elsa, Sarah, Minerva, Malissa, Richard, George, Caroline, Ellen, Juliana
- Edmund b. 1813, d. 1864 md. Mary Turrentine, children: Permelia, John, James, Rachel, Warner, Clayborn, Robert, Mary
- Thomas b. 1818, d. 1900 md. 1) Sarah Dale 1839, 2) Martha Sturman & 3) Frances Redfearn, children: Wilburn, John, William, Lucy, James, Elizabeth, Ellen, Thomas
- Eliza b. 1819, d. 1880 md. Alexander Sullinger 1835, children: Gabriel, Mary, Julia, Marshall, Elizabeth, James, Adrian, Lorenzo, Isabel, Josephine, Laura, eldorado, William, Ora
- Mahala b. 1820, d. 1912 md. James McGilley children: Mary, John, Thomas, Francis, James, Charles, Thomas, Joseph, Henry, Joseph
- Warner b. 1822, d. 1905 md. Matilda Harper, 1852 children: William, John, Mary
- Martha died age 5
- Gabriel never married
- Carmi died in hunting accident
- Ambrose presumed son
- Benjamin b. ca. 1822, d. 1843 presumed son of Lee
- Sarah b. ca. 1824, d. ca. 1862 md. William Howard children: Christie, Joseph, James, John, Benjamin, Elizabeth
- Cynthia b. ca. 1826 md. Allen Linville ca. 1845 children: Ambrose, George, Isaac, William, Mary, John, Allan
- Unnamed son b. ca. 1829
- James b. 1832, d. 1873 md. Cynthia Boswell 1857, children: Mary, Freydissa, Margaret, Corrie, Sarah, Doretta, Arminda, Asenath, James
- Lucy b. 1834, d. 1899 md. Stephen Boswell 1857, children: Marquis, Laura, Orville, Charity
- Ambrose Trammel b. 1837, d. 1875 md. Nancy Russell, children: John, William, Charles, Blaine
- William b. 1840, d. 1859
- John b. 1810, d. 1895 md. Temperance Clark, 1830
- Margaret b. ca. 1835, d. before 1895
- Lucy Irene b. ca. 1839, d. ca. 1870 md. ca. 1857 William Payne
- Isaac Clark Payne b. 1859, d. 1953 md. 1879 Isabelle Calvert
- Calvin Payne b. 1883, d. 1960 md. Goldie Oler
- Perry Payne b. 1909, d. 1968 md. Nova Robertson
- Darrell Payne b. 1929, d. 1990 md. Betty Sailor
- Donna Payne md. 1) Rick Mitchell & 2) Rick Hayes
- Jeremy Mitchell
- Amanda Mitchell md. Derek Robertson
- Gary Payne
- Doris Payne b. 1919, d. 1974 md. 1) Arvil Shaw & 2) Kenneth Dove
- Mary Payne b. 1881, d. 1959 md. Albert Williamson
- John Tilden Payne b. 1862, d. 1938
- Sarah Ann Payne
- Margaret Payne
- Delia Payne
- John b. ca. 1842, d. before 1895
- Isaac b. 1843, d. 1900
- James b. ca. 1848
- William b. 1850, d. 1938
- George b. 1811, d. 1853 md. Louisa Irvin, 1837 child: Ambrose
- Jarrett b. 1814, d. before 1900 md. Julia Hall 1836 children; William, James, Mary [see below], George, Margaret, Theodore, Artemissa, Gillison, Marion, Chalon
- Mary b. 1818, d. 1839 md. John Ham 1835 children: Artamesa, George, Thomas, Eliza, James, John
- Artemissa b. ca. 1823 md. Joshua Shoemaker 1839, children: Eliza, Margaret, James, Nancy, Lucinda, Thomas, Oralia
- Eliza b. ca. 1825 md. James Frizzell 1845, children: John, Artemisia, Eliza, three other sons
- James b. 1827, d. 1882 md. Mary Tolley 1852 children: Ransom, Eliza, Freeman, Erastus, Margaret, Franklin, Rellie, James
- Wesley b. 1830, d. 1905 md. Elizabeth Hunt, children: Lorenzo, Martha, Eliza
- Ambrose b. 1832, d. 1869 md. Rhoda Erwin 1853, children: Mary, George, Scymintha, William, Rebecca, Noah, Laura
- Lorenzo b. 1836, md. Nancy Price 1854, children: George, Louisa, John, Andrew, Dianne
John Wesley aka West b. ca. 1795, d. after 1862 md. Celia Tear aka Rosannah 1819
- Eliza b. ca. 1820, md. Green DePriest 1844, no children
- Margaret b. ca. 1822 md. Abraham Huddleston 1845, children: Eliza, Mourning, Rosannah, Sally, Martha, John, William, James
- Evaline b. ca. 1825, d. before 1880 md. William Baty 1842 children: Rosannah, Mary, John, Ambrose, Mourning, Elizabeth, Missouri, Paulina, Faithy, Ellen, Milly, William
- Mourning b. ca. 1827, d. ca. 1851 md. Samuel Mahan 1846, children: William, Mourning
- Ambrose b. 1829, d. 1914 md. 1) Adeline (--?--) and 2) Sarah Huddleston 1851, children: Adeline, Nathan, John, David, Mary, Amanda, Ambrose, Fernecia, Susan, Margaret, Charles
- John b. 1833, d. after 1900 md. Caroline Dunkin 1853, children: William, Levi, Henry, George, John, Thomas, Pinkney
- William b. 1835, left sick at Pocahontas, AR by the Confederate army in 1862, probably died
- Alexander b. ca. 1838, d. 1862 died while with the Confederate army in Arkansas
- Vienna b. 1840 never married
- West b. 1843 never married
William b. 1802, d. 1885 md. Louisa Burbank 1821
- Celia b. 1822, d. 1914 md. Lewis Daily 1838 children: Louisa, William, Mary, Levi, Keeling, Margaret, Wilford, Elizabeth, Martha, James, Whitson, John
- Presley b. 1824, d. 1913 md. Elizabeth Echols 1845 children: Baily, Mary, William, Lavinia, Julia
- Daniel b. 1827, d. 1895 md. Anna Echols 1856, children: Presley, Clarissa, Samuel, Daniel, Joel, Lucy, Mary, Thomas, Anna
- William b. 1828, d. 1919 md. 1) Elizabeth Scudamore 1854 & 2) Mary (Echols) Bowers 1874, children: Wallace, Margaret, Rachel, Joseph, Frank, Edward
- Mary b. 1830, d. 1888 md. William Williams 1851 children: William, Sarah, Mastin, Daniel, Louvina, Walter, Henry, Wilburn, Lewis, Mary, Martha, Augusta, Michael
- Keeling b. 1831, d. 1886 md. Mary Maulding [daughter of Jarrett above] 1857, children Lucretia, Walter, Thomas, Garret, William
- James b. 1833, d. 1931 md. Sarah Scudamore 1856 children: Hiram, William, Mary, Martha, James, Walter, Annie, unnamed son twin, unnamed daughter twin, Cary, Ida
- Margaret b. 1835, d. 1925 md. James Daily 1853, children: Mary, Louisa, Gennet, William, Naomi, Sophia, Madison, James, Sarah, Samantha
- Louisa b. 1837, d. 1874 md. John Daily, 1856, children: Milton, Julia, Mary, Ada, Douglas, Delilah, Malissa, Jamima, Sophia, Minerva, Susan, Elnora, Lucy, John
- Walter b. 1839, d. 1870 md. Lucy Barnett 1867, children: Augusta, Aurelia
- Evaline b. 1841, d. 1875 md. Wilburn Bond 1859 children: Charity, Anna, Lucas, Louisa, Joseph, William, Albert, Lucy
- Ambrose b. 1845, d. 1923 md. Mahala Daily 1863 children: John, Sophronia, Walter, William, Vincent, Mary, Della, Charlie
- Jeremia b. 1822 md. Rachel Callis 1846, children: John, Helen, Julia, Henry, Mattie, Willie, Newell
- unnamed child
- Washington b. 1825, d. 1901 md. Mary Edwards 1849, children: William, Elizabeth, George, Julia, Francis, Ida, James, Margaret, Christopher, Lutie
- unnamed child
- unnamed child
- Margaret (twin) b. ca. 1831 md. 1) (--?--) Riggs & 2) Hiram Burt children: Washington Riggs, Janice Riggs, Ella Riggs
- Mary (twin) b. ca. 1831 md. 1) William Bowright & 2) (--?--) Hayford, children: Had Bowright, Jarret Bowright
- unnamed child
- Isabella (twin) b. ca. 1834 md. Philo Stevens
- Isolda (twin) b. ca. 1834 never married
- Martha b. 1836 md. Otto Reinke 1862, children: Otto, Mattie, Frederick, Benne, George, Josephine, Grittie
- John b. 1838, d. 1881 md. Keziah Catchpole 1859 children: Edward, Albert, Delia, Harley, Frederick, Elmer, Nellie, Anna
- James b. 1839, d. 1907 md. Louisa Taylor 1863, child: Mae
- unnamed child
- Samuel b. 1844, d. 1895 md. Emily Blewitt 1863 children: James, Minnie, Guy, Orville, Freda, Edna
- Fanny b. 1847, d. 1892 md. (--?--) child: Newell
- Labon b. 1849, d. 1899 md 1) Mary Jenkins & 2) Dell Granger, children: Mildred, Ray
- Wiley ca. 1826 md. Martha (--?--) 1850
- Polly aka Paula ca. 1828 never married
- Malinda ca. 1832 md. (--?--) Marsh
- Enoch b. 1836, d. 1878 never married
- Samuel b. 1839 never married
- Arthura b. 1842 never married
- Laurel b. 1845 never married
- William b. 1848 never married
- Millington b. 1833 d. after 1900, md. 1) Irene (McCracklin) Gray 1859 & 2) Jane (--?--) Hyatt 1867, children: Alice, Burr, Annie, Carrie, Maud, Estley (twin), Estella (twin), John (twin), Thomas (twin)
- Ambrose b. 1835, d. after 1900 md. 1) Maria Mann, 1859 & 2) Julia (--?--), children: Charles, Clara, Hugh, Adda, Walter, Mary, Julia, Dora, Zola
- William b. 1838, d. 1882 md. Rebecca Gardner 1866 children: Sherman, Flora, Mary, Eva, James, Nora, Charles
- Keeling b. 1839 d. after 1925 md. Martha Johnson 1866, children: Charles, Mary, Cora, Margaret, Jessie, John, Clyde, Pearl
- Laban b. 1841, d. 1920 md. 1) Martha Thompson 1866 & 2) Sarah Kenworthy 1870 children: Eugene, Nellie, Elizabeth, Milton, Rhoda, Sadie
- Mary b. ca. 1843 never married
- John b. 1845, d. 1929 md. Mary Hicks, 1865 children: Lettie, Birdie, Frank, Frisbie, Erma, Mary, Edward, Edna
- Isabel b. ca. 1847, d. 1911 md. Oliver McLaughlin 1865, children: Charles, Benjamin, Mary
- Elizabeth b. ca. 1851 md. James Keeling 1872
- Alexander b. ca. 1868 md. Stella Wells 1893
- Firmie b. ca. 1870 md. William Drew 1892
- Benton b. 1872 md. Olive (--?--), child: Harold
- George b. 1874 never married
- Jacob b. ca. 1876 never married
- Elizabeth b. 1838 d. 1871 md. Rufus Fisher 1864 children: Cora, William
- Nathaniel b. 1839 md. Mary Young 1859 children: Carrie, Elizabeth, Mary, William, Cora, James
- Martha b. 1845, d. 1927 md. Jacob Perrine 1862 children: Laura, Martha, Alvin, Alice, Cora, Josephine, Walter, Jennie, Elsie
- Maureen b. ca. 1847 md. Eli Smith 1867
- John b. 1851 md.1) Martha McPheeters 1873 & 2) Fannie (--?--)
- Edward b. 1855 md. 1) Ellen Harrison, 1878 & 2) Nellie (--?--), children: Frank, Clyde
- Ida b. ca. 1860 md. Will Daniels, child Merlin
Sarah b. 1814, d. 1900 md. Abraham Hollingsworth
- Marion b. ca. 1836 never married
- Irene b. ca. 1839 never married
- Louise b. ca. 1846 md. Daniel Haines, children: Severn, Laura, Rebecca, Emma
- William b. 1849, d. after 1900 md. Laura (--?--) children: Laura, Corabel, Estella, Arthur, Docia, Rossie, Dora
- Albert b. ca. 1851 never married
- Ephrim b. ca. 1853 never married
Rachel b. 1822, d. 1886 md. Jonas Hinkson 1849
- Mary b. 1850, d. 1874 never married
- Martha b. 1854, d. 1875 never married
Revised 4/24/2023
1 comment:
Hi Dedpepl,
This is good stuff. I am a descendant of Ambrose Maulding.
Ambrose Maulding->William Maulding->Evaline Maulding->Lucy Ellen Bond->Ruth Joy Jamerson->...
I'd like to get in touch with you via email. I have a couple of minor corrections to some of the children and grandchildren listed here. If interested, email me at findthepast@whisenhunts.net
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