
Saturday, November 4, 2017

Ahnentafel #372 - (--?--) Crissel, ver. 2

(--?--) Crissel, Crysel, Cricel, Krisel, Krysel

Born: before 1730 based on son Andrew's birthdate, possibly in Germany

Possibilities and possible family connections:

1697 - January 22 - Curdt Jurgen Crissel son of Hans baptised Martinskirche Linden parish, Hannover

1710 - Felix Crisel born Virginia - Ancestry family tree, no sources

1734 - Felix Crisel md. Minnie Anderson, Culpeper Co., VA - Ancestry family tree, no sources

1738 - January 8 - Jacobus & Joannes Crissel baptized at Sankt Paul Katholisch, Koeln Stadt, Rheinland, Prussia, the sons of Wolffgangus Crissel & Eva Nettesheim

1740 - William Crisel born in Virginia

1740 - James Crissel born in Virginia

1747 - Christoff Cressel arrived in Philadelphia 

1752 - William Crissell sentenced in Suffolk to transportation from England - probably not

1752 - Edward Crissell sentenced in Suffolk to transportation from England - probably not

1754 - Andreas Kreissel arrived in Philadelphia 

1754 - Andreas Kreissel took oath of allegiance to province & state of Pennsylvania. 

1759 - William Crisel md. Mary Coleburn in Culpeper or Orange Co., VA - Ancestry family tree, no sources

1762 - Jeremiah Crysell born 

1762 - Eleanor Addison Crysel born Culpeper Co., VA - Ancestry family tree, no source

1774-1778 - Mary Bruce born probably in Culpeper Co., VA

1778 - June 11 - William Chrisell on Captain Reuben Briscoe's payroll - Private #51, William Chrisell, from Feb. 7 - June 10, $31 & ?; £9, 6s, 8d in Virginia currency

1778 - September - 

  • James Crissel on muster roll of Capt. Reuben Briscoe's Co., 2d. Battery, 3rd & 7th VA Regiment (Consolidated). He is listed as #49 Private, Jam's Crissel enlisted 15th Feb. for 1 year, sick Valley Forge. 
  • Will Chrisell on muster roll of Capt. Reuben Briscoe's Co. 3rd & 7th VA Regiments Commanded by Lt. Col. Wm. Heth.  He is listed as Private #47 Will Chrisel, enlisted Feb. 10, 1778 for duration of war, sick at Valley Forge.

1780 - Jeremiah Crissel paid taxes in Moyamensing, Philadelpha

1779-1782 - Jeremiah Crysell enlisted in Capt. Coleman's company in the 7th Regiment of the Virginia line under Col. Davis for 18 months.  After discharge, he was drafted for three or eight months serve at Barnett's Ford in Orange Co. and Johnson's Springs in Goochland Co., VA.  Claimed service at Battle of Guilford Courthouse, NC under Capt. Triplett. 

1783 - Culpeper County tax list - Henry Hitt List

  • Jerry Crysel - no slaves
  • William Crisel - no slaves
1783 - Culpeper County tax list - John Wigginton, Gent. List
  • James Bruce - no slaves
  • William Bruce - slaves Punch & Patience
1783 - Culpeper County tax list - Benjamin Lillard, Gent. List
  • Frederick Bumgarner, no slaves
1788 or 1790 - May 5 - Jeremiah Crysell married Mary Bruce in Culpeper Co., VA by William Mason, Baptist minister.  Children named in pension papers: Mary, Nancy, John B., Lucy (Crysell) Walker, Elizabeth (Crysell) Lane, Jane M. (Crysell) Hartin/Harlin, Ellen C.

1789 - Mary Crisel md. Benjamin Bruce in Culpeper Co., VA

1791 - Jeremiah & Mary Crysell moved to Wilkes Co., NC

1798 - Sep. 7 - William Chrisel md. Rebekah Taylor in King George Co., VA

1820 - 1 May - Jeremiah Crysel dropped from Revolutionary War pension roll in North Carolina. 

1823 - Jeremiah Crysel - Revolutionary War pension restored under act 1 March. 

1836 - Aug. 26 - Jeremiah Crysell died in Wilkes Co., NC

1865 - April 13 - Mary (Bruce) Crysell died in Wilkes Co., NC

Jeremiah / Jerry ? b. 1762, d. 1836, md. Mary Bruce 1790
  • John Bruce b. 1793 md. 1813 Nancy Lane, children: James E., Mary
  • Nancy b. 1796
  • Mary b. 1801
  • Jeremiah b. 1803 md. Ellen (--?--) probable child Columbus
  • William b. 1808 md. Frances (--?--) possible child of Jeremiah
  • Jane M. b. 1812 md. (--?--) Hartin / Harten, children Leander, Ann, Sarah
  • Lucy md. (--?--) Walker
  • Elizabeth md. T. Lane
  • Ellen C. 
Mary? md. 1789 Benjamin Bruce s/o John & Mary (Smith) Bruce
William? md. 1798 Rebekah Taylor

Revised 8/21/2018

1 comment:

  1. I believe that Andrew Crysel Sr. was the Andreas Kresslar/Kressel/Cressel/Kressler, etc., that served in the American Revolution in the German Battalion. He is also likely the Andreas Kreissel who immigrated to America (PA) in 1754:

    Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s
    View Record
    Name Andreas Kreissel
    Arrival Year 1754
    Arrival Place Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    Source Publication Code 9041
    Primary Immigrant Kreissel, Andreas
