
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Research Log

The First Principles of the Doctrine of Christ; Together with Stronger Meat for them that are skil’d in the Word of Righteousness OR The Doctrine of living unto God, wherein the Body of Divinity Is Briefly and methodically handled by way of Question and Answer. continued:

Quest. What is the infusion of Faith?

Answ. The infusion of Faith is the pouring into the heart a spirit of faith whereby the soul is affected toward Christ as a giver of life, and by means of the covenant of grace cometh to Christ for life, and is joyned to him as its head.

1. This infusion of Faith is the pouring into the heart a spirit of Faith: a disposition or spirit to believe. 2 Co. 4.13.

Hence followeth, 1. The heart is affected towards Christ as the giver of life, John 4.10. 2. Comes to Christ for life, Job 6.37 and this is by means of the covenant of grace which containeth the promise of life to believers.  The Law is a means remotely to prepare for faith, but the Gospel nextly as it contains the covenant of grace. Gal. 3.2. 3. And thus the soul is joyned to Christ as its head:

  1. Christ propounds himself as a most suitable husband, and Match for the soul. 
  2. The soul consenteth.
  3. By consent is joyned to Christ. I Cor. 11.2, Revel. 22.16, I Cor. 6.17
But concerning the salvation of Infants we may consider.

1. Some Infants are saved, otherwise all that dye in their infancy are destroyed, which would be a cruel conceit. Mar. 10.15.

2. All that are saved must be saved by Christ, if one might be saved without Christ, then not needfull for any one whomesoever. 

3. All who are saved by Christ, must be saved by union to Christ, otherwise cannot have communion with him.

4. This union to Christ must be by faith, for there is no other union to Christ revealed in the Gospel.

5. This Faith is wrought either mediately by means of the Gospel revealing the Covenant of grace, or immediately without this Gospel revelation, but those Infants whom Christ saveth are not capable of hearing and understanding the Gospel preached, and yet let it not be hard for us to believe they may be saved.

1. If the first Adam could convey of his sinful image, to his Seed, surely the second Adam the Lord Jesus can communicate of his image.

2. Have Infants a union to the first Adam by natural generation or propagation, and shall not some Infants have union to the second Adam in the way of regeneration, surely Christ hath as much power to save Infants as Adam had to destroy them, Rom. 5.20.

Qu. What is Communion with Christ mystically considered?

Answ. Communion with Christ is that whereby Christ doth communicate unto a believer a state of life, and makes him partaker of life itself, and thus hath communion with Christ: not only relatively in Justification and Adoption, but by real communication in sanctification and glorification.

1. A believer having union to Christ hath communion with Christ, Eph. 1.3, Rom. 8.32.
2. Hence communion. 
  1. In respect of the state of life
  2. In life itself, and thus is translated from death to life, I John 3.14.
The first is communion relatively in Justification, Adoption.

1. He that was condemned is now absolved in Justification.
2. He that was a stranger from God, yea, an Enemy, is become a friend, yea, a child of God in Adoption.

The second is communion by way of real communication, and as the former respects condition, so this respects disposition. And this is in sanctification and glorification.

1. He that was filthy and under the power of sin is cleansed from filth, and under the dominion of grace: sin mortified, and the Soul quickened to newness of life, thus in sanctification.

2. He that was separated from God, and suffering the punishment of sin, doth enjoy God in a blessed manner, thus in glorification. The Soul is matched and joyned to Christ in a holy marriage Covenant in vocation, acquitted from Trespasses & debts in Justification, accpeted into near relation to the King of Kings in Adoption, cloathed with royal apparel, the image of God in sanctification, admitted to be in the gracious presence of God, to enjoy him in glorification.

Quest. What is Justification?

Answ. Justification is that whereby the Righteousness of Christ being imputed to a believer, and by Faith applyed, God is reconciled to him, and he is absolved from the guilt of sin, and pronounced righteous and worthy of eternal life, in and for the sake of Christ. 

1. By Justification the righteousness of Christ is imputed and applyed; that is, of God's part imputed to a believer, reckoned to him to be his own, Rom. 4.5 and applyed to himself by faith. Rom. 4.2, 3, 4, 5. hence a believer is justified by faith instrumentally, hence not justified before faith, hence not justified from all eternity; for before faith the wrath of God abides upon him. John 3. ult.

2. Christs righteousness being imputed and applyed to a believer, hence, 

1. God is reconciled to him, so that he hath
Peace with God, Isai. 27.4
Peace with the creatures Job 5.23.

And he is absolved from guilt, and pronounced righteous, and worthy of life in Christ Rom. 8.33, 34. This Sentence of Justification is declared in the word of God whether the soul doth see it or not, for his comfort John 3. ult.

Quest. What is Adoption?

Answ. Adoption is that whereby a believer is advanced to be a child of God, and to the priviledges of a Son. 

1. He is advanced to be a child of God I Joh. 3.1.
2. Hence advanced to the privildeges of a Son 

1. Hence related to the Father, who hath given him his Son and all other good things, an interest in a child's portion Rom. 8.32.  
2. Hence related to the Son of God as a Brother, Heb. 2.11, 12. hence a co-heir, Rom. 8.17hence a King, a Priest, a Prophet, Rev. 1.6. And a right to the inheritance it self, the Kingdome of glory, and to creatures in this life, and the ministration of Angels. Heb. 1.14.
3. Hence related to the Holy Ghost, his assistance which as its immutable, is called a Seal, Eph. 1.13, 14. 
2. As its pledge of more, its called an Earnest of the inheritance, 
3. As it resembleth the Assistance of the Spirit which Christ hath, so its a kingly, priestly and prophetical Spirit which a believer enjoyeth, Rev. 1.6. 
4. As this Spirit doth dispose a Believer to act in a child-like, and filial manner is called a Spirit of Adoption. Rom. 8.15.

Quest. What is Sanctification?

Answ. Sanctification is that whereby a believer is fitted to live to God by Christs sanctifying his nature here in some degree, by mortifying vicious dispositions which is the putting off the image of the first Adam; and by ingenerating gracious principles which is the putting on the image of the second Adam, and in the life to come wholly and perfectly sanctifyed.

1. A believer is fitted to live unto God, 2 Tim. 2.21. called sanctification, as it maketh holy, a transformation, as it changeth nature, not in respect of the Essence of the Soul, or Faculties, for it remains the same Soul and Faculties; otherwise, not the same person, but the change is in respect of qualities, Rom. 12.2. called the image of Christ, 2 Cor. 3 ult. a divine nature, as it inclineth to imitate God, 2 Pet. 1.4.

In this we may consider the parts and subject.

1. The parts. 

1. A mortifying of vicious dispositions, called the putting off the image of the first Adam, I Cor. 15.49, and called mortification, Col. 3.5.
2. An ingenerating gracious dipositions, called the putting on the image of the second Adam, I Cor. 15.49. & is vivification, Eph. 2.1. in the first the virtue of Christs death is applyed, in the second, the virtue of his Resurrection, and both these by Faith, Rom. 6.8.

2. The subject of this, the whole man, not wholly.

1. The whole man. 
1. The understanding fitted to discern rules which lead unto God, hence principles of spiritual wisdome and sanctifyed reason, 2 Cor. 4.5, 6, but yet this is only in part, and imperfect, I Cor. 13.12, some abiding ignorance and atheisme.
2. The will fitted to chuse and close with God as the chiefest good, Psal. 73.25, hence a principle of love and life, and yet with some reluctancy, not perfectly willing, Job 21.18, 19.
3. The affections, with the body and members of it fitted to obey the commands of sanctifyed Reason and will, Rom. 6.13 and yet not perfectly, some affections yet remain to be crucified, Gal. 5.24.

1. Hence a perfection of parts, I Thes. 5.23 that is, in all parts and Faculties, every sanctifying grace.

1. Hence a perfection in degrees, hence 
1. Sin and grave in the same faculty Gal. 5.17 Spirit and flesh.
2. Hence the combate. 

1. The Flesh warreth against the Spirit, guarded by Satan and the World. 
2. The Spirit warreth against the Flesh, guarded
  1. By the Father, as he pitieth his infirm children, Psal. 103,13.
  2. By Christ Jesus, as he is touched with the sense of infirmities of believers, Heb. ?.15
  3. By the Spirit, as he helpeth their infirmities, Rom. 8.26 causing believers dayly to repent and convert, Math. 18.3. and hence all the spiritual armour put on, but above all to be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might, Eph. 6.11, 12.

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